What is Natural Beauty...?
According to us natural beauty is plants, flowers, trees, sky, moon, sunset, sunrise, brids, ocean, rain etc.
Most of us think that natural beauty means flowers and plants specially some people think that only roses are natural beauty.
We are right flowers, plants, trees, moon, sky, etc... are perfect example of natural beauty. But only a nature lover understand that the real meaning of natural beauty. All things in the whole World are the creations of God , like all humans, children, women, men, rich, poor, animals, insects, dreams, smile, life, death, earth, etc.... every thing small or big are creation of God and every thing has its own value and every thing has its own beauty and its our job to find beauty in every object. Every and each small and big thing are in the catagery of natural beauty.
I hope you understand my point of view, i know my way of explenation is not so good but i try my best to explain my point of view.
This picture i captured is a street child. She is dirty, her clouths are not clean, her hairs are dirty and spread but her smile is pure and beautiful. The real happiness shows on her eyes. Her beautiful and pure smile is also part of natural beauty.
Hope you like my new concept of natural beauty.
image source. My cell phone
Nature is always beautiful