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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Fasting, Weekend

Hello everyone. How are you all doing? Trust you're good. It's another weekend to relax and be taken care of. I am taking things pretty chill and in no hurry at all. I want to use this opportunity to rest and gain my strength back after all the stress of the week. I don't really have a lot of work to do and I am almost jobless but at least I can use this opportunity to write an article.

So this morning while preparing breakfast which we will eat in the afternoon because of how long it takes to prepare it my dad brought a topic up for discussion. We were making moimoi which is also known as beans porridge. You wash the beans and then grind it with pepper and onion. Then you had salt and seasoning to taste. You can also add fish or boiled egg. After that you cook it over steam until it is fully formed. It is kinda of a ritual for us to make it everyday Saturday morning just like the way we make swallow on Sunday morning. It's a tradition.

He said that in his morning devotion the pastor talked about Fasting. He said that we should not make food our lord and learn how to control our appetite. He said that your attitude towards food says a lot about you. Self control is needed and it's not everytime that you see food that you must eat. The message was pretty clear, learn self control towards food.

I think the reason my dad was telling me this is because of my love for food. I am not going to lie, I love food especially one that is properly cooked. There was a time in my life that you could literally carry me away with food. It was that bad. Now I have learnt self control but that doesn't mean I still don't love food, I just learnt that it should control my every thought and action. I still eat a lot though and the reason I'm not obese is because I burn the fat off.

The controversial part of the discussion though was what he said was in the devotion the following day. He said that as a man of God it is in the Bible that you eat twice a day. He gave the example of Elijah, how God fed him twice daily. He said that when he shared it in Bible Study with his pastors some of them didn't sound pleased. They thought the standard was the regular three square meal in a day with snacks in between. He told them that it is necessary to ensure that the love of food will not take over them. You eat to only strengthen yourself.

Now let me ask you what do you think? Do you agree? Do you think that he is just being overzealous? Whatever your opinion may be the crux of the matter is that the love of food can lead to terrible consequences. It can lead to both health and spiritual problems. I wouldn't go deep into them but it is necessary that in everything we do we exercise control and practice contentment.

That's my two cents for today. I am you are enjoying your Saturday and resting. Stay cool everyone.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Fasting, Weekend


Pops is actually right, I'm glad he's teaching you self-control. It's always good for one to practice it, so as not to be swayed. And yes, fasting is also good. All my life; I eat just twice daily.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow! I didn't know that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago