what happened to Kali?

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Thought, Self, Challenges, Cat, Pet

Hello beautiful people!

I hope you all are doing fine amidst of the shortcomings and uncertainties we may feel day by day. Always remember that a positive life is a happy life. ✨

Do you guys remember the cat I shared here before? That little cat my former roommate rescued and gave to Chenny? Kali's not home anymore.

What actually happened to Kali?

Before having Kali in our home, Chenny, the owner was just fresh from a heartbreak that time. She truly loves pets, especially cat. That was the same time she asked me if she can bring a pet in our boarding house. Yes, she asked for my permission because I am actually like the leader or the head of our boarding house.

So me, thinking that having a pet for her will help her move on and be happy again, I allowed her to have one.

But in one condition;

She needs to make sure to cleab every mess Kali would make. And she agreed.

That agreement, which I thought will be realized. At first, it was okay for me for her not to clean Kali's mess because she was still devastated with the heartache. But as days goes by, three months, four, five, and almost a year now before what happened to Kali, none of what she promised happened.

Yes, she did buy some litter sand for Kali so that Kali's mess will not have bad odor. However, instead of cleaning Kali's mess everyday, it runs up to one to two weeks staying on that same place.

So imagine the smell we have in our home? Forgive me for the word, but it is disgusting!

That was the time, I asked her that if she cannot maintain Kali's cleanliness at home, I will highly suggest to bring her in their province.

Because imagine? Having Kali's mess around, with a bad odor and us eating our meals with it?

Then she promised to bring Kali to their province.

But nothing happened. So I asked her again, when.

"Next week, dae. I'll bring her home."

"Dae, can it be on my rest day? I am tired as of now."

All I did is agree. I have no choice.

To be honest, I am getting annoyed already. She was full of promises about her cat, but no actions were made. You know, if you love pet, it is okay to have one, but you have to be responsible with it because she is not the only one living in the boarding house.

So we gave her another chance.

We really set a specific date for her to bring Kali on their province. She agreed.

That specific same date was the same time I went to TCH with my workmates for rides. We went there around 12:00 PM after our shift, then I get home at around 5:00 PM. Slept right away because of tiredness from the rides.

That when I woke up at around 10:00 PM, I received a message from one of our boardmate, Lyn, that her boyfriend throw Kali away far from our house.

I was literally speechless. Like, it was not part of our discussion to throw Kali away if Chenny will not follow our deal.

I understand how disturbing Kali's odor in our house, but it never crossed my mind that they will throw Kali away. How I wish I was home that time, so I can atleast hold them back from throwing the poor cat away. I was too late.

The next day, I hardly asked Lyn and her boyfriend to find Kali. But to no avail, Kali was nowhere to be found.

I felt bad for Chenny. Even if I did nothing bad. I felt bad. But at the same time, only if she was responsible, it will not happe supposed to be. But still it was a wrong move.

And you know what's worst? They did not tell Chenny the truth. They just said that Kali, went outside and did not come back. I feel guilty because I know what really happened to Kali.

I messaged Lyn that I will be telling Chenny about the truth, because my consciensce is eating me up. I did nothing wrong, but keeping it from Chenny is.

Lyn said, she'll be the one to tell Chenny next week. Hopefully she will, because if not, then I'll have no choice but to tell Chenny myself.

That's all for today beautiful people. If you have any thoughts about this, feel free to leave it in the comment section below. Let's interact. Stay safe always! Xoxo ✨☺️

- MissJo 💜

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Thought, Self, Challenges, Cat, Pet


Oh, poor Kali! It would have been better if they find someone to adopt it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It could be sana nga kuya Lee. It was the next option actually kung hindi pa din maging okay yung owner. Pero I was too late to tell them, kaya naitapon na. Kaya naguguilty pa din ako. ☹️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Damn it was not the fault of the cat:(

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is not indeed. How I wish I can find Kali, back.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really cried sis. I really cried after reading the last part. So asan na si kali ngayon? baka nasagasaan na yun, gutom na? Kawawa naman sya. Sana okay lang siya. Sana may pumulot at mabait. Ilan taon na ba si Kali, sana hindi sya kuting. Broken hearted ako for today's video.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Mag 8 months na si Kali, sis. Sorry sis. Even me, nung nabasa ko yung message nila when I woke up that night, literal na speechless me. Gosh! ☹️

The same question sis, di ko na alam asan na siya now. Hopefully talaga may nakapulot sa kanya. Kasi di pa naman sanay sa labas yung si Kali, lagi lang yon nasa loob nga bahay. ☹️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Huhuhu Kali, sana okay ka lang. Naiinis ako sa nagtapon sa kanya, parang ang bastos. Tapos nag sinungaling pa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wish the same, sis.

Kaya nga eh. Sana man lang, naisip nila na sabihin muna sakin yung gagawin. Kasi for sure, mapipigilan mo yon eh. Kaya nga sometimes, napapaisip ako, what if di ako nag rides nung time na yon? Sana andito pa si Kali, or sana man lang atleast nadala na siya ng owner sa province nila. Hays.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wala kang kasalanan dyan sis, mangyayari talaga yan, nakatadhana kay Kali. Sana matalino si Kali at ma survive nya sis. Wag ka mag worry, mag dasal tayo for Kali.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya nga sis. Sana talaga okay siya ngayon at nasa mabuting kamay. Nakakamiss din na may pusa sa bahay. ☹️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

ah ah no noo, I have no words to say after this. my partner throw away the cat after eating her hamster. pero afetr namin itapon ung pusa something happened, the atmosphere inside the bh became heavier. as in ang heavy nya, kala ko ako lang nakaramdam eh pati pala sya HAHAHAHA, pinapasok ulit namin sya and after awhile naigng okay ung paligd.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

sis, kung alam mo lang, after nong tinapon nila talaga, ang bigat na ng ambiance ng place namin. Like something is really wrong. Kaya sabi ko sa nagtapon sasabihin ko nalang yung totoo, kasi ako yung nakokonsensya kahit wala naman me ginawang mali. Hopefully talaga sabihin na nila yung totoo, kasi if hindi, I'll do it myself na talaga eh.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

hala, ganyan in samin ate, as in iba ung atmosphere kesa sa part na may pusa

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya nga, sana lang talaga e masabi na nila para atleast maging okay na.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hoooyyyy...🥺🥺🥺🥺 Bakit naman ganun yung ginawa sa pusa. Kawawa naman yun Mamsh. Dito nga sa bahay namin, maraming pusa ako'ng inaalagaan kahit di talaga ako yung may-ari. Kahit pa ganun, may buhay yan eh. Sana naman masabihan yung may-ari sa totoong nangyari para naman maliwanagan siya at baka magawan pa nang paraan na makita yung pusa. (saded)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya nga eh. Naawa din ako sa pusa talaga. Ewan ko bat nila nagawa yon. Kasi yung may ari sobrang iresponsable din eh, kung alam mo lang sobrang baho ng bahay. Kahit sa room ko, amoy na amoy ko yung tae at ihi ng pusa.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Valid naman yung reasons. Well, yung may-ari din naman talaga dapat maging responsable din sa pet niya. Aguyy! Nawa'y mapag-usapan niyo nang maayos yan Mamsh.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kaya nga mamsh! Basta if ever di pa rin nila sabihin next week, as she promised me. Ako na talaga magsasabi.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo, tas i remind pud siya sa iyang responsibilidad as owner.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes mamsh! Will do gyud.

$ 0.00
1 year ago