A letter from a stranger

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Avatar for MidnightSky
1 year ago

Hi there fella, I know we don't know each other, and I think that's it's much better for us to stay this way , I mean it's comfortable to rant and tell our worries and problems to a random stranger isn't it? So make yourself comfortable, breathe in, breathe out, disentangle those grips that keeps on restraining those emotions and feelings,

First of all, I want to ask how are you? Still trying? Tired? Left out? Fine? Or just existing?

I can't stop you from feeling that, I won't and ver stops you, fell that pain until you get numb or until the lesson that the pain gives wil be tainted on your mind, I won't comfort you, I'm just here saying all of this for you to not hide it anymore, don't put youraelf in a box where there's a huge lump on your throat that loneliness started to eating you alive.

Now is not the time to keep on holding back, however, right now, take this as a time to let it all out, the burdens, the weights, frustrations, emotions, that your are feeling in, it's time to let it hurts until you can stand again, until the pains are no longer hurting, until the wounds became scars, until it heals,

Now is the time to let yourself in pain, let yourself be sad, let yourself in the chaos, let yourself became messy, those problems that makes you think to yourself that your a losse, that can make you feel so low on yourself, could be at work, school, family, or anything under the sun,

Cry if you want, let your tears flow, scream if you want, shout it the void if it could help to lessen the weights, do all stuffs that could help to make you feel those frustrations, let it all consumes you until you get tired...

But after all of this, promised to yourself that you will make it up, you'll try to bring back and get up on your toes again, go back on track again, after those emotional chaos that happens, I hope you'll get the closure you need to yourself, I hope that you heal from the pain not for others, not to prove to people that you can, but heal for your own good, for your better future that awaits, because your are worth it, and saving your own is worth it.

Sometimes pain is much lighter if you feel it once in a while, you need to released it, cause if you don't and you just keep on restraining and filling it with another ounces of pain, and when it's already at it's peak, it might cause you a much more greater pain and chaos, and I don't want you to be in that situation, because you doesn't deserved it, you deserved every kindness and love that this life may offer,

You need to give your heart a time to heal until you become you again, until you accept that all this challenges and suffering that happens in your life shall passed and you'll find your happiness again, and one day you'll look back on those days that you thought you lose all the hope, and you'll smile to yourself because you know that it's just bound to happen at all, because that makes you stronger and makes you a much more better individual today.

This is a simple message from a mere stranger, a random soul, and I hope this somehow lessen those feelings you keep on weighing on your back, or if maybe it will not lessen, but atleast that even for a short moment of time you feel free and lighter, and just you,

Remember that crying is good for the soul, and this will never be the sign of weakness instead it's a sign of bravery that you somehows knows that crying and showing your weakpoints is not that bad, it just shows that you are a human, you are a person, you feel pain and it's normal.

So again, this is for your own risk, it's still up to you how will you handle yourself in the midst of chaos, I'm just a mere stranger, that can be your umbrella in the midst of your own rainy days, virtual hugs to all...

Remember that be proud of who you are right now even after all you have been through at the hands of this vast of miseries that this world offers.

Yours truly, Sky.

That's it for now guys I felt like I need to write this one not just for everyone who reads this but it also calms me somehow, and the comfort I get in writing this one is enough, it actually helps a lot. Good morning, let's go back to sleep again hahaha kidding, I'm a sleepy head indeed.

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Oh by the way have a nice day to all, Happy Monday everyone, enjoy the rest of the day, keep yourself safe and always stay hydrated as always. Enjoy guys:-)

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Avatar for MidnightSky
1 year ago


Sabi nga sa kanta ng papa roach na Scars, 'I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all'

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes namn may pa kanta si madam, pain is natural to us humans talaga.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Such a beautiful message. I would agree, most of the time it is okay to feel not okay, we we're humans. We have emotions, and perhaps feelings. We can't avoid to get hurt and so it was okay to cry, it was okay to feel the pain but we have to keep moving. Life's continue and so we must.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you sis, you're right, sometimes it's okay not to be okay, because all of this shall pass. We will rest but we won't quit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm not okay my friend. 🥺 I always have a problem because of my insomnia. I always worried this sleep problem I have. I felt the pain of my body.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh put your worries into prayers my friend, that insomnia doesn't just leave us easily, I suffer from that sleeping disorder and sleeping pills helps but it's not recommendable since it's also had side effects, or maybe you should try consulting on professional my friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I will my friend. I will go for a check-up. I suffered this already because I always not having an enough sleep. Thank you so much my friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pain demands to be felt. No matter how hard we try to avoid it, we would most likely feel it. It's part of the human process and I think it's about time to accept sadness and pain the way we accept happiness and success.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Acceptance yeah that's one thing we should be doing because not everyday we feel okay and that's normal, accept it, feel it, learn from it, and get go back on track again, life must go on, so as we should also be.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, we should let those emotions, pains, and sufferings out. Let's cry until there are no tears left to fall from our eyes. In that way, we will feel much better and lighter kesa dibdibin ko e wala naman ako non. XD

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hahahhaa jusko tama wag na dibdibin Hahahahaha wala namn hahaha weyt natatawa ko sizt jusko ka hahha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha basta wag lang sobra sa tawa aa 😆

$ 0.00
1 year ago