Today i need to SCREAM

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Avatar for MicroReylatos
1 year ago

There are days when it makes me scream, and today is one of them.

And it seems that life, destiny, God (if you believe in him), or whatever you want to call him, turns against you... and I'll explain why.

Acts as simple as opening your Twitter account to dedicate yourself to retweeting content that you are interested in promoting becomes a complete nightmare. The application suddenly takes a very unusual time to load, the twits do not load or take too long, to send a twitt the virtual keyboard of your phone hangs for a long time and the waiting times are long... then you close the app, You delete all the excess garbage, images and things that load your phone to prevent this from happening, but then WhatsApp messages start to arrive and your phone collapses, preventing you from continuing with the task that interests you.

You go to WhatsApp, read all the messages, clean WhatsApp of all the garbage, and open Twitter again.

Then you find that the label you are retweeting is recent and perhaps that is why the network is collapsed because everyone is using it massively, and it is likely that your phone is creating a bottleneck. You already know the explanation, but what you want is to do your homework, fulfill it and get out of that damn responsibility once and for all to dedicate yourself to something else! But then now something else happens: the battery of your phone is very low and you will not be able to continue working, so you will have to charge the battery and wait 90 minutes to continue with your work.

Your plans to have Saturday off are delayed 90 more minutes, because life, destiny, God, or whatever has wanted it that way.

And then you SCREAM, because you're fed up, you're tired of things not going well for you.

That same thing happened to me today, and don't worry, I already did my catharsis writing here and I feel minor. I needed to scream that I'm tired of this being repeated over and over again.

I hope you have a good Saturday, and yes, I know you also identify with me.

I'm bitter today, so today my writing style is hostile, I guess you've noticed.

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Avatar for MicroReylatos
1 year ago


I hope your day gets better, you can scream if you want to, it's good to get everything out of your system.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yeah, you now, are days of days my friends, better drop all and forget.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sometimes it happen to me, ans unwanted and uncontrolled are conspiring to prevent me from focusing on work and it delays everything that I have to extend hours to finish the job and it is a bad day already.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

so you will have to charge the battery and wait 90 minutes to continue with your work.

Can't you work when your battery is charging?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not in my case.

The cable is damaged and I have to leave it in one position for it to recharge. Which means that while it is charging I cannot use the phone because the device is in an inaccessible position for me.

Getting another new cable is something I can't afford to do right now.

I have to wait for it to load to continue my work, it's a waste of time for me.

But beyond that, it bothers me a lot that everything seems to conspire against me.

Let me explain: if I am going to do the job when the phone is charged, then the water just arrives at that moment and I have to start filling the buckets with water (another delay), I finish filling the containers and I get ready to work and then the electricity goes out where I live...(I can't continue with my work), and so on.

In summary what I wanted to say, that today is one of those days, quite challenging and unpleasant for me.

Here I am singing out loud so I don't keep screaming, lol.

$ 0.00
1 year ago