My Readview of the best posts! (13/03/2021)

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Avatar for MicroReylatos
3 years ago

Hello, dear bitcoins cashers!

Today it occurred to me to launch an initiative that will give great value to this community, and it is that you can meet the best talents and the best publications that are published on this platform.

And my way of doing it by selecting the best publications according to my criteria.

I will choose with a pattern of every one or two days the publications that are of high quality, and that have fewer comments, without taking into account the amount of $$$ they have received since, for me, quality is measured in terms of content that contributes to people's lives and drives the bitcoin cash initiative.

So from now on all those publications that are motivating and that contribute valuable knowledge to all of us, will receive a little love from me, according to the financial capacity that I have in my wallet and also being able to help many people! since many talents go unnoticed and feel unmotivated because no one encourages them to keep going.

So this is my contribution to this magnificent community that changes lives, and this is my bit to help change the lives of these magnificent people.

To start, these people will receive a comment on their publication like this:

"Your article has been selected by my initiative to motivate the most enriching publications on this platform.

You will be mentioned in a future publication that I am working on right now! along with the link to this publication as a way to help you become more known and that people interact with you and with all the quality content.

Congratulations, I have left my small contribution for you, what is it that my pocket allows to help you in these moments !."

...along with an appreciative vote of $ 0.10 to $ 0.30, which at the moment is what I can afford (hopefully in the very short future is much more, to achieve it also depends on you, this will be a win to win situation, where we will all win ♥) and constructive criticism in its publication along with the link and a brief comment about its content, what will be published in this report that I will try to do periodically. And of course I will subscribe to its contents, this to support them and make their content better known so that the entire community is more interactive.

All the funds come out of my pocket, I do not have any sponsor and this idea is exclusively mine, but if someone wants to support me then welcome to do so, as long as they express it publicly or make me see it through a comment in any of these reports. This is to keep everything transparent and clear in the eyes of the entire community. And all this is based on my experience as a curator for 2 years in different important communities of recognized blockchain social media as steemit and hive among others.

80% of the funds obtained in these publications will be allocated To support the content and authors that are selected. The 20% will be for my personal use since you must understand that this is a win to win situation, and I need to obtain some profit for this work as well.

Only dividends obtained by people who make their contributions in these publications will be taken into account. Votes from @TheRandomRewarder (if any) will not be taken into account. This will be valid for this publication and all those that are like this type of report, made by me.

And having already clear the main points of what I am doing, we begin with today's report.

Report of March 13, 2021

1 Problems we all are facing in our 20s from my life experiences

In this publication, the user @Musso exposes us to all the problems of what happens in adolescence and does not make us reflect on the mentality that these young people have today. Something that catches my attention because I find that it is a very focused boy and has a very mature way of thinking for his age (which if I'm not mistaken must be 20 years old).

It is very interesting how he walks through issues so deep that they are generally not taken into account, and that to this server a man of 52 years caught his attention.

Here we can see an extract of his reflections:

"If I guessed it right then most of the writers here are aged between 20 to 30. Some of us has completed graduation and some of us is on the way to complete graduation and some or us are doing jobs.

Though in this platform there are people from all ages. But I want to focus on the 20 to 30 years age level. Because most of us belong to in between this two numbers.

So what I'm going to write about this age group? Well I'm also belong to this same age group. In this interesting article I want share the problems of the 20s.

At a point we all faced those but for us we are facing in our day to day basis.I want to talk about the anxious moments of our 20s and I am quite sure you'll find it relatable with your life too. If you belong to this age group especially.

Our 20s are full of responsibilities, anxiety, taking crucial decisions of life etc. Life teaches us to take responsibility of both our own life, our family, our loved ones and whole lot.

If you are afraid of responsibilities than you must be thought that the childhood was way better than the 20s. Yes it's true in our childhood everyone has taken our all responsibilities but now we ought to take everyone's responsibility.

I think 20s are full of responsibilities and sometimes we feel tired of our life too. But you can't retreat from your own diary so we choose to keep pace with our life. From my perspective this is the most cruel part of life."

Very interesting points of view right?, then I invite you to show your support for this new talent who is waiting to be recognized.

2 Menaces yearning burning

The art of literature and creative writing is something that not everyone owns, and there are sectional cases like this, where this writer immerses us in a universe of delights through her magnificent and golden pen.

This is an elucubration about Luis Sepúlveda, the environment of the protagonist, and her feelings towards him. If you appreciate works of art at this time, you are in front of one.

The mastery with which he writes and makes us immerse ourselves in his stories, create an atmosphere in which you will be hooked from the first line.

As a writer, I can say that rarely in my life I have stumbled with texts as satisfactory as this one, and that is why I suggest that you do not waste any more time and approach to read this magnificent adventure. You will be grateful because this woman is a professional writer.

And I run out of adjectives to show how amazing and delicious this person is to choose. Give them a visit and they were as amazed as I was.

@fun_wine_mom will capture your attention!

Here's a glimpse of its content:

"This piece is a creative piece. All similarities to people, living or dead are completely coincidental, and only a fool would think otherwise.

There I am sitting, a porcelain cup in my hand, a toothpick in my mouth. The small steel balcony seems to be a weak refuge against the thick, string-like blue clouds that have gathered overhead. My hair is being blown around by gusts of wind; far ahead, beyong the city, somewhere behind the asphalt-grey ocean, bolts of cruel energy pierce the sky with steady pulsation. As I watch the storm draw nearer, a weird kind of excitement fills my chest and my limbs. I like bad weather. I like it when bad things happen. There, I'm in my element. There, between the hammer and the anvil, I have made my bed.

For a second, I imagine the storm suddenly becoming a thousand times more viscous, its rage increasing hundredfold. I picture the waves towering over the shore like angry giants and then breaking, ripping palm trees out of their cosy pots and launching them down the street, each like a great big living battering ram. Then, the pavement will crumble and yield under the wrath of the monsoon, and steel poles of the balcony will bend and crumble, and then some massive wave will come down and - it'll all get silent all of a sudden, like in the movies. I blink. The storm is timid again, and I am still alive, still holding my porcelain beauty. What a shame."

3 Bitcoin Cash ambassador tennis player news updates Vol I

This is something very amazing and positive for the Bitcoin Cash community!. Let me introduce you to the first celebrity I know is on this platform.

This lady is nothing more and nothing less than a professional tennis player, who is discovering the enormous possibilities and benefits of Bitcoin Cash, and he is showing us how this important cryptocurrency is changing his life, and at the same time his purpose to collaborate as an image of the community.

Celebrated important and that gives a lot of value to this platform. Well, apart from his personal experience and the fact that he is a famous person, the important point here is that it is a human being like all of us who is discovering how valuable it is to use this coin.

She tells us about his adventure and how he plans to contribute to this platform, and the truth is I applaud his enormous efforts and that is why I have decided to mention to all of you so that they get to know and be in solidarity with their cause. Well, as wonderful as it is surprising what he has been able to achieve through Bitcoin Cash, and in a short time.

And I hope that this is an example for other celebrities and other athletes, that they come as soon as possible to join, and I have no doubt that it will not be long for that happen.

Surely when the word spreads, we will be approached by an interesting number of personalities, and is going to be a trending topic for a long time worldwide.

Here is an excerpt of what she tells us:

"Hello, BitcoinCash community! This is Oleksandra Oliynykova, your tennis player, calling.

First of all, I would like to say "thank you!" to all BCH people who supported me & my team this week. That was truly amazing to see messages, tweets and contributions from around the world -Japan, Turkey, Canada, the Philippines, the U.S., and also a lot of undisclosed places ;-).

Not to sound too dramatic - but having you in my virtual "player's box" has already helped me a lot! For instance, now I can start my tennis season with the bigger tournaments I would probably not to play otherwise. I will write more on this matter below, under "Tournaments Schedule (and How BCH Community Helped To Make It)" chapter."

I invite you to follow Oleksandra Oliynykova, our professional tennis player, and our athlete ambassador for bitcoin Cash! of whom I am amazed that she is part of this platform ♥ ️

This has been my summary for today, and I hope you leave your contribution that as you know will be used to support the creators of digital content that I will select from now on.

I hope you visit and enjoy its contents as much as I have. They are publications of very high quality and very good, chosen with my criteria of excellence and delivered here for you.

Note: all my posts are created on my low-level end smartphone.

You can chat with me on Discord Reinaldo#7816

See you shortly bitcoin cashers!

$ 6.45
$ 6.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Musso
$ 0.05 from @kingofreview
+ 9
Sponsors of MicroReylatos
Avatar for MicroReylatos
3 years ago


Thanks for the article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My pleasure!, Wish you enjoy this users, they are great!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice initiative you have here sir. There are a lot of great contents out there that is not getting much attention from both users and the bot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes and the intention is to make known those people who do hard work here! . Thank you for stopping by to leave your excellent comment! ♥ ️

$ 0.02
3 years ago

You are most welcome, sir. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting, comprehensive and emotional. Certainly you go through these platforms with the idea and hope to please, motivate, help and of course be helped, or better recognized your effort. Because no matter how badly you have done it, you have tried to do it, it should not be your intention to do it badly. Sometimes you have the intellectual tools, but you don't have the ability or the knowledge to translate it ...for example, a good writing, but a poor layout! I support you Reinaldo, from the humility of my capacity, let's walk the road for a while and see how far we get. Best regards.

Translated with (free version)

$ 0.00
3 years ago