Everyone Can And Should Be A Philanthropist
"It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.”
The word ‘Philanthropy’ might normally stir up thoughts of ‘affluence’, but philanthropy takes on many forms. It is our individual response to human needs; it is about caring and serving; an opportunity to be involved.
A Philanthropist can be defined as “someone who gives of his or her time, talent, treasure to causes that can have a positive impact on the society”.
What this definition means is that anyone and everyone can and should be a Philanthropist..
Philanthropy affords you the opportunity and privilege of making a difference in the society, in shaping or even saving lives. Determine what causes you identify with and have the capacity to support; you can be intentional and deliberate about issues or causes that we believe in - be it education, entrepreneurship, health care, the arts, sports, etc.
••Review Your Finances
It is a necesity to review your finances to decide how much you can afford to give. Will it be a one-off donation, or is it something you can continue to commit to on a daily, weekly or annual basis..
••Narrow Down Your Choices
Narrow down your choices, focus on a few causes you identify with, and do some research on them to ensure that their ethos and mission are in consonance with your core values. Follow up to see if your support is making a difference; when you see the impact it has; you will find it easier to continue to give. Collaboration will propel your giving to a wider reach and impact.
••Be Magnanimous And Help Others
So many people have lost their jobs. Many that are perhaps fortunate enough to have a full-time work, have had salaries slashed. There is so much need, so if you have some to spare, why don't you just do it , gift money to others to help alleviate some of the sufferings to put a meal on the table, a roof over a family’s head, or to help some families who have children in Schools .
Ideally, you should give in a sustainable way that will enable the recipients get back on their feet.
••It’s Not Always About Money
Giving does not mean that you must give only financially; there are several other ways to give in a meaningful way. Many of us have so many “things” that we do not need or want, cluttering our homes for years.
Everyday is an ideal time to clear out unwanted clothes, books, toys, appliances from crammed wardrobes; they will all be appreciated by so many that have little or nothing. Think of the homeless, orphanages, millions of people displaced by terror or social strife, and victims of migration and trafficking.
The possibilities of giving of your time, experience, talent, and intellect are vast. You can give of your time to volunteer, visit the elderly, support a foundation, participate in charity walks or runs to raise money for a particular initiative.
Are you a resource person in a particular field..? . There are some talent that you can share with others that will impact positively on their lives. Yes!!. That's called Philanthropy..
••Imbibe The Culture In Others Too
As we practice giving and philanthropy everyday of our lives, let’s try to also imbibe the culture in others. Try to emphasize the non-material aspects of the world, such as family and fellowship.
It is not enough to just tell others to be charitable and kind. Our own actions in supporting others will speak louder than anything we can say. Guide them through a program of action that teaches them a powerful lesson that they can have a positive effect on the wellbeing of others.
Challenging times can compel us to recognize the true value that we hold as human beings and what makes us more successful, effective, balanced, and fulfilled people.
Sometimes perspectives become warped and the most important aspects of life, such as your relationship with your family, friends, and associates, your health, job satisfaction, and fulfilling interests take a back seat.
Indeed, it is during trying times, even when your finances might seem stretched that you are forced to look inwards at what is truly important in life. Philanthropy is one of the few.
Having money comes with a huge responsibility because it makes it possible for you to improve the lot of others. If you look around, you will find that there is always someone far worse off than you are. By deciding to make a difference in someone else’s life, you can bring so much more meaning, and value to your own.
Remember: Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. [Curtain Falls!!]
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You are very right, Philanthropy is not all about money, it could be your time, share it aptly with others in a way that it will benefit them. It could be your talents, use it in such a way that others will be blessed with it. It could be words of wisdom and encouragement from you, share them with other people, there could be somebody dying in silence and depression, but when you share your words of encouragement with such person, you've saved a life from death.