The younger generation..

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2 years ago

A very good evening to you, yes you! I hope your day went well? Incase you're curious as to how mine went, it wasn't bad. Since it's the holiday's, I've been playing mum to my niece who came over to spend sometime with us.

Even though I would rather just have my solitude, I'm stuck with her all thanks to the strike which has been on for 8 months now. Anyways I'm done complaining and I have started putting my time to good use.

Whilst spending so much time with my niece, I realized how quickly kids of these days learn stuffs, especially those that we do not teach them. I have been trying to teach her how to write her alphabeths properly for awhile now and we've barely made progress but in that same time frame, she has learnt the song I used as my ringtone for my phone single handedly without being taught.

My little niece🤗🤗

Another shocking thing happened another day. My sister had a long phone call with a friend and we were all at home going about our own stuffs and at the end of the call, my niece was asking my sister why she was tired cos she heard her say that she was tired on the phone, to mention but a few. To think I was there too and I didn't even pay attention as much as she did.

Although I knew kids paid attention more than we like to think I guess recent happenings have been an eye opener for me.

We ought to be really careful with the conversations we have where kids are, whether they are our relatives or not.

Funniest thing is that they may look like they are playing and not interested in what you're doing which is almost how they look all the time, still, they can hear some if not all of the things that you have said.

Let me give another instance.

For the past one week, I have watched cartoons only, simply because that's the only thing my little niece can watch and what hurts is that they are the ones I've seen before but what to do?

So that very day, I decided to watch a movie. I had given her something to writing so as she was writing, I was watching. Not long after, she came and stood by me and was watching with me. Later in the day, I do not know what led to what but next thing I heard was my name and my mum was asking me what kind of movie I gave to her to watch. Apparently, she had gone to tell her grandma that a boy to touching a girl's bumbum in my film she watched in my phone.

Even me that watched the whole film and understood the storyline cannot even remember that happening because it was so inconsequential in the movie but my niece did, and of all things that she saw, when they were praying, fighting, and more, she decided to say the touching bumbum part.

Whilst I feel that this generation has tons of flaws in it, I just wish that we would keep it away from the younger generation. Sometimes when I think about the fate of the world and how things will be years from now, it scares me! This is because I just don't see salvation forthcoming at all. But who knows, maybe I'm the one with the impaired vision.

We see so many kids learn rubbish without knowing because of where the grew up, or what they saw on a daily basis. I had this conversation with someone and the person said that saying a person is a product of their environment is an excuse. Her reason was that such person cannot say that he or she only saw bad things in that environment. Why didn't they become the good?

Truth is the higher percentage always overshadows the rest. If bad is greater, it becomes more prominent and seen and the good will he like finding a needle in a haystack.

Author's Epilogue

I just hope that I've reminded you something today. That those kids around you have eyes and ears and a very sharp brain and memory. So we ought to be careful, especially with what we do and say around them.

It we can't teach them something positive, they we shouldn't add negatively.

This article feels like my debut after a while, whilst starting was difficult I just have to say that if feels good to be back!

Thanks for reading through friend, you're greatly treasured!

Mhizutty the voice of truth 🎵🎶🎵

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2 years ago


Kids this days is very observant too. Not just that but kids nowadays learn fast using gadget. They already learn this while some is having aa hard time understanding it aigooo. And we should really be careful with we show to them coz what caught their attention is different to what can adult see

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What your friend says is true, some people just feel like it's so much easy to blend along with the bad than try to make a difference because people might see them as a freak.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Children can be smart and funny at times when you'd thought they won't focus on, you will be amazed when they are showing it. Those little things we thought do not matter, when children are there, they pick it up. We should always be careful what we do or say around them because they learn and assimilate things faster. It's as if their brains and eyes are too sharp.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You made me remember my little cousin, she is brilliant and could mention everything, she read, saw or heard. I used to think she has some super powers, though I know she is growing and has a better hippocampus than adult. What you just said is true, we need to be mindful of what we tell them

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2 years ago