Zinc deficiency (Part-01)

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3 years ago

Some of the predisposing factors of zinc deficiency are excessive phytates and phosphates in diet; excessive copper in diet; Malabsorption ; sickle cell anaemia ; hepatitis ; chronic blood loss, chronic parenteral alimentation,ย  rheumatoid arthritis, trauma surgery, burns and excessive sweating.

One form of severe zinc deficiency is Acrodermatitis Enteropathica, a rare genetic disease in which zinc absorption is significantly impaired. Severe dermatitis usually appear in the first few months of an infant's life, particularly when the infant is switched from its mother's milk to cow's milk. This can be successfully treated by giving 30 to 50 mg of zinc/day. Premature nutrition may also suffer from zinc deficiency

The manifestations of severe zinc deficiency in humans include bullous pustular dermatitis, alopecia, diarrhea, emotional disorder, weight loss, intercurrent infections due to cell mediated immune dysfunctions, hypogonadism in males, neuro-sensory disorders and problems with healing of ulcers.If this condition is unrecognised and not treated, it becomes fatal.

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