The colour of the sky

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Avatar for Meher89
4 years ago

Everyone likes the sky very much. When I am very upset, I look at the sky and imagine various things

One day I looked at the sky and thought, what colour is the sky? What colour is blue / red / yellow / black / white? What is the reason for this colour change in the sky? You know what If you don't know, there is no problem and if you know, it is good.

The reason is light. During the day, the sky looks white in a combination of seven colours. Red is less scattered. Blue and other colours are spread upwards. Since there is no sun in the sky at night, the sky looks black. Do you know why the colour of space is black? Because there is no atmosphere, there is no chance for any object to reflect or scatter sunlight. As a result, light cannot be seen.

So from now on, if someone asks you the reason for the change in the colour of the sky, I hope you will have no problem for answering.

Stay with me to know many more secrets of nature like this.

Thanks for reading 💗🌹

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4 years ago


It's great article. I like blue sky. I love nature. Also I love trees. I have a little garden. When I see clean blue sky, my mind refresh with softness. Thanks for sharing with this types of articles 💕🌹

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4 years ago

Thank you for your great encouragement. Stay with me for more articles and stay with natural beauty also.Have a nice day

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4 years ago

You're welcome. I'm stay with you from 1st day and I'm stay with you future for this work. And same for me, you stay with me for more articles. You can comments and likes my articles. I'll be very happy for your future support. Have a good day for you. 😊💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I suggest that do not add more colors.💞 But overall it is good🤗🤗

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Those pictures are so colourful😍😍😍

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User's avatar Ohi
4 years ago

Nice article thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is very nice.. i learn more about colours of the sky, thanks to you @meher89. I hope to see more of your universal pictures.

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4 years ago