Ramadan series Day 12: Patience

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Avatar for McYusuf
2 years ago
Topics: My day, Lessons, Ramadan

Good day to you all my friend on Readcash.

It’s been a few days now. I have been a little engaged with some activities in my real life and also trying to match up with the virtual world too. Though, one before another and I would go for the real before the virtual.

Today is another beautiful day on the earth's surface. Glory be to the source that created life and all in it. He counted us among those that would witness the day, many had wished to see a day like today but were not at an advantage. So it’s never by our power but the grace of thy Lord.

The month of Ramadan is gradually waving goodbye but we might not notice that yet. Just like yesterday when we were welcoming the holy month of joy and mercy, today counts the 12the day of the month and in no time we realize that the month is over. It saddens to know that the month would have to come and go leaving us behind till another year again. What’s the assurance that we would be among those that would witness the coming year. That’s the reason we just have to keep praying 🙏 for his mercy.

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Thanks so much for the encouragement ❤️

This would be a Ramadan day 12 series in correlation to the count of the fasting days which is the 12th count and the topic for discussion would be



Patience (or forbearance) is the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience may involve perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in disrespect/anger.



Improves the ability to accept setbacks and enjoy life the more:

Life is cool when you realize that not everything has to be done forcefully. There are times when things in our lives would only happen when the right time comes. If one couldn’t have the patience to overcome the distress then he would have to forcefully pull himself towards discomfort and at the end of the day, such a person would never have rest and peace of mind because of the everyday problem he must have gotten himself into.

Patience helps us achieve our goals:

In this aspect, patience would surely have to play a great role. Slow and steady wins the race, which could be attached to having patience in what you do. When you are consistent and show no sign of laziness then you realize that patience leads to perfection.

Patient people are better friends, neighbors and are best to relate with:

Show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are. A patient friend would always advise you to await the perfect time and never rush you with things in life. When you move with an impatient one then you know the value of patience, they are always the complaining type, they are intolerant and fed up all the time.

The patient brings about peace of mind.


Patience is surely a heavenly virtue because the holy books had their words about patience and its importance. The holy Quran described the Almighty Allah as the Most patient.

The holy Quran also made it clear to us that Allah urges Muslims to seek his help when faced with fear and loss, then have patience, perseverance, and prayer they would receive glad tidings at the end of it all.

Article No 4

09:30 am Wednesday, 12th April 2022

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Avatar for McYusuf
2 years ago
Topics: My day, Lessons, Ramadan


Fasting and Ramadan is the second name of patience...you write very well about it....it is the month of good will and patience and it's reward is paradise....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How is fasting going? 🌚

Patience is rewarding and we need to have the habit. When we have patience, we would be able to accomplish our aims.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience is really heavenly virtues because it helps us become the best we can be

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience. Patience. I have this but just too little 😹

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2 years ago