I've been dragged to the wall

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2 years ago

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The whole room was filled with commotion, Fredrick and Caroline were ranting at each other, "you said you love me, but you keep on hurting me, you keep on causing me pain, did I deserve this " Caroline said with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Is that why you are yelling at me, is there a big deal in having a friend? Why can't you just come down, she's only my friend and nothing more than more, if I've hurt you in any way, I'm sorry, I still love you Caroline" Fredrick said to calm her down.

"Ho, keep your love to yourself! You called her just a friend and I saw both of kissing and romancing each other, I'm not a kid, this is not the first time I'm seeing you with this act, all you keep on saying is I'm sorry, but you'll never change, I think I'm tired of complaining always" she said angrily

Frederick still apologizing, she walks into the bedroom and packed all her belongings, surprisingly to Fredrick, he exclaimed " Caroline what are you doing, just give me last chance, I promise it will not happen again"

"Frederick, I love you with all I have, but seems you took my love for granted, I'm tired of listening to your apology, I'm tired of having sleepless nights just because of you, you're always sorry but will never change, I think I have to go, I have to go so that I will once again have rest of mind, you claim to love me, but you prefer other to me, let me go so that you'll have the woman of your choice" she left with tears in her eyes

Frederick could no longer utter a word, she watch Caroline moving out of his house and out of his life, not having any hope to see her again, then he said to himself... " seems like a dream, but not, I've lost the woman I want to be with, because I never treated her like the queen she is , and now she's gone"


I give you all of me but I couldn't feel your affection. I make you my world, but you put me into woe. Trying to put a smile on , But I was neglected and dejected. I was pushed to the wall and I could see the handwriting bold.

I thought of you all day long, Nonetheless, you never did. You made me awake in the twilight while I outcry. I heard I was loved but couldn't feel the love . I hope for a change but change seems to be doubtful. Still leaning to the wall while waiting for a difference.

I've been dragged to the wall, I've been taken for granted and ignored. The of love in me has been forced to quench . I could feel the flame no more. My heart has been bruised and I feel the pain. Now I have let to go, I have taken off to look for a better pasture, Where I will love and be loved.

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This fictional story and poem is originally written by me.

Thanks for reading


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Avatar for Maryjacy
2 years ago


Such a beautiful poem that kind of summarizes a decision made after being taken for granted. Some guys do that, they will only realize their mistake when it's already too late.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I don't think there's any amount of begging that will make her change her mind again because she has been played with several times and it's hurt.

It's too late for him , and she's gone forever. He might learnt his lesson from that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true, she has had enough already

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She have no other choice but to go, that's painful though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes some guys don't really know what they want and that's why they hurt the girl that loves them and take her for granted Nice write up dear

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Abi ooo, they have gold at home and they went out looking for a bronze. They end up losing the gold because they don't know the Worth of what they have.

Even some guys,when they know that a lady love them too much, they will start doing anyhow not knowing that one day they will be fed without any choice rather than to go .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have asked myself several times that why is it difficult for people to stay in just one relationship?

You know this feeling of having everything in the world and the next thing is taking an action to destroy everything. Cheating is something I would never encourage when it comes to relationship because the cheater will eventually lose what was really meant for him or her.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's what the majority of people don't understand, just like using a stone to kill two birds 🐦, you'll eventually loose the two, focusing on just one will yeild a good result as fast you play the game well.

This things is also rampant in ladies too, not only men, nowadays, you'll hardly see people staying in one relationship, and when you try to ask them , they will say if this don't work it , the other person will work out and they will end up being the one to loose.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What makes it more painful is that when you know all along that that person doesn't love you in the first place but still you cling to the little possibility that there's still a chance;a hope. πŸ™

$ 0.03
2 years ago

All hope seems blur, and when she see there's no possibility of changing, it's better she go.

But some people, I don't know their problem, it's true that she Loves her, but Frederick can't do without hurting her always, and in love if you claim you love someone, you wouldn't want to do what will hurt them, but in this reverse is the case.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Things like this happens for real But don’t you think she in a haste to make such decision of packing away?

Nice poem by the way.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I don't see any reason for her to stay, she has saw her several times with another person, all he could always say it I'm sorry. And sometimes people get tired of listening to I'm serious. Some people will never change no matter how head you try.

As a matter of fact , she too the right decision, will enduring it and staying with her will bring more problem to her in the future, it's better she cut off the rope now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have your point. But won’t it be too hard for her to trust men again??

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is how it feels sometimes when you couldn't convince enough that nothing was actually going wrong or out of greed to messed up. It's a sad one for Frederick.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So sad for him to loose her, but it's all it's fault? She has loose her forever just because he's not faithful in his relationship with her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice one indeed! Its funny how people claim to love a person and still hurt them in their actions.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hmm, that's a serious case, and I don't know what they gain in hurting someone feelings. Can't they be in just one relationship???

$ 0.00
2 years ago