7.7 Great Deals
Date: July 11, 2022
With these incredible deals from the July 7.7 Shopee sale, say goodbye to cash. I'm going to tell you about the great deals I found in this online shopping application that made my money disappear. My guiding principle while making internet purchases for my wants is that I deserve them.
I stopped making internet purchases for my wants a month ago since I felt they were a waste of money. The items I previously purchased were all wishes, so perhaps as a result, after seeing the items I recently purchased online but didn't even need, I now realize that I am wasting my hard-earned money. But I'll only make this purchase if it's necessary. All of these items are nice buys, even though I'm not sure if they are necessities.
So before that, I will gonna share some facts about wants and need
A need is something you really must have and cannot live without. Food is a good illustration. You won't last very long without food. The majority of people who went days without eating eventually ate a lot of food. Even if you might not require a lot of food, you still must eat.
Early men and women lived for many years on these three things only Food, Clothing, and Shelter.
What you want is something you wish you could have. Although it is not, having it would be beneficial. A nice illustration is music. Now, other individuals could counter that they need music because they believe they cannot live without it. But music is not necessary for survival. You do require food.
Of course, they are merely broad classifications. Some categories combine wants and necessities. For instance, depending on the type of food, food may be a necessity or a want.
Protein, vitamins, and minerals must be consumed. It's up to you how you obtain them (and your family). To obtain protein, you can consume meat, nuts, or soy products. To obtain vitamins and minerals, you can purchase fruits and vegetables. Yogurt and cheese are good sources of additional vitamins and minerals. Bread can be consumed to obtain additional vitamins and minerals. These fundamental food types are necessary.
A desire is ice cream.
Ice cream is not necessary for survival. You can consume it to obtain some vitamins and minerals, but other foods, such as cheese and yogurt, provide you with greater amounts of these nutrients without adding as much fat as ice cream does. Nevertheless, ice cream is a favorite food of many. They enjoy eating it. They don't require it, but they want it. They enjoy it, but it is not necessary for their survival.
So here it is..
One Up by World Balance KERMIT Men's Shoes
I buy this as my need because most of my shoes are damaged and it is a bit too old. I'll buy them because starting of classes is fast approaching so I have decent shoes to use. Also, I buy them for my wants. I am happy because I save 10$ on buying these shoes it's original price is about 20$ and that is a great sign for me to buy and also to save money.
While I was writing this artcile, suddenly there was a man knocking on our door .. Guess who? .. Of course the delivery rider .. I received my ordered shoes from 7.7 sale ..
Kojiesan Skin Lightining Soap Classic
I buy this as I want..honestly I have no plans to buy this because I still have stock at home. and I saw it on sale so I'm already buy some soap in order for me to save some money and lately I am experiencing financial problems so I really need to save .
So that is all my purchase this 7.7 Great Day Sale.. I wish and hope that I will have more checkouts in the next 8.8 day Sale.. Lol
These are really great deals. I haven't bought anything but happy for you. Happy Shopping!