How to earn in 🤔🤔🤔

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Avatar for Marah22
2 years ago
Topics: Free write

1. Be a content writer at by signing up using this link:

After you sign up, the platform will automatically create a Bitcoincash wallet that will exist just in your browser. This is cool feature, you don't need to download or install anything.

2. Now Backup your wallet using  this guide. Backing up/ saving your 12 word seed phrase will enable you to login in different devices. You can also import it in wallet.

3. Read the Frequently Asked Questions. Reading the FAQ is very helpful and important to know more about the platform for guides, rules and what to publish on the platform. 

4. Join or Create Your Own Community. Communities are like category of interest/ niche. Joining a community or creating one is having a place to post your articles in a specific line of interest. Also read community rules to avoid being muted or kicked. I invite you to join my community Learning & Sharing Nation on

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