Phone's Effect

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Avatar for Magical_Wrld
2 years ago

Since the advent of phones the world took you new turn. It has changed a lot of things drastically, today we would be looking at the effects the invention of phones has caused to our world. It is already so relatable, as we would be discussing this magical invention we would see that it is already a frequent occurence, we see this effects at home, we would see this effect at schools, we would see this effect on the streets, this effects are seen virtually everywhere and no one is left out, yes including you, you are also an exhibitionist to this effects of phones. Some positive as well as some negative, however the good it offers is worth the troubles it brings.

One of the most spoken off effect is distractions, your mom should have reminded you of this almost every day if you are still with her, majority of our fun time is now switching online. Back then people do a lot of visiting, even when it's for an unserious reason, they have no method of communicating to someone in a distance than to go down to their location, imagine having to drive down to see someone to discuss many things, after you're done and driving back you suddenly remember you forgot to tell them something else more urgent, that feeling is so painful. One would definitely wish there was an easy way out, even posting letter takes time.

Nothing solves an urgency as much as phone, before then people have to prepare before the set time, more people woke up early, so they can deliver a message so people can commence a task, now you don't to stress, no need to find where they are, what if they aren't home, you drop them a letter, there're cases where letters doesn't get to the real owners, or mail enveloped letters are already cut open before then owner reads it. However with phones we can relax extra hours and pick our phones to call anytime and the task would commence as at the time expected. Phone can really be called a magical asset, its operations were sometime in the past thought as impossible or magical.

How do you explain to the people of old that over there in Chicago, they could communicate seamlessly with someone in China at the same time simultaneously, without having to travel, right there where they are they communicate as though they were in the same whispering into each others ears, insane right? Definitely men from before this invention wouldn't have thought it possible, magic some would exclaim, however today the magic has become reality and many more past magic has become reality too., indeed humans should by truly living up to the name Homo sapiens. We truly have used our reasoning capacities to change the world and more awesome creations keep coming.

We must have heard that phones have led to the death of so many people, yes it's true, still owing to distractions mainly as well as a quest to acquire it, firstly from distractions, clearly cars would have hit someone crossing the road but not hearing the incoming vehicle cause of the earpiece connected to their ears, how about others who were inside a room while there was danger, all cry to get his or her attention didn't work as the volume of the sound they are listening too is higher than what they can hear from the environment. This and so many casualties keep occurring, you must have seen some cause it happens regularly.

In the area of trying to acquire it at all cost, we know how valuable having an expensive is nowadays. Some persons aren't financially buoyant enough to get it yet they want it now, this means they may not be getting it the right way that desires patience, they choose to get it at all cost. Some crazy extent people go to get it, though not it alone, but for the younger generation having a costly smart phone is more of an achievement. Another not so good effect of phones is laziness and procrastination, as there are lots of amazing features embedded in a phone, if you're not discipline you could pick up your phone in the morning and check your time to see its night already.

Nevertheless if we were asked whether to accept the advent of a phone or discard it now knowing its side effects, I bet we a would accept it over and over again. Phones has clearly done more good than harm, it has saved lives, save time, save energy, save many from depression, it has done a lot and loads of good. A phone call have saved a lot of people, a phone call have saved a lot of stress, a phone call have helped us access the right content to help us bring joy to ourselves by ourselves. Most especially a phone has broken the barriers of distance, distance is now a thing of the past, we can easily connect to the world.

So who is buying me the new incoming iPhone 14, just joking though, but that shows the extent to which phones have evolved over time and it keep building up to content more and more amazing features, the world stands with fingers crossed, we don't know what next amazing thing to expect from the world of phones, the games are lots, the social platforms are captivating, the camera, oh the camera have stolen the hearts of our ladies away. Its amazing when you realize that this phone all started as one big telephone with only ability to call, now see where we are in it, there are always room for improvements guys, well not just phones, there would always be room for improvement for us to, keep building yourself. I Love phones.

Its simply magical writing to this amazing person reading this now, you're loved. Thank you for reading. God bless.

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Avatar for Magical_Wrld
2 years ago


Haha this is true, phones now must have that statement "Everything comes to us handy". Before we need to send the letter written in paper or manifested in paper for few days and now it doesnt need to take days sending those messages.

Behind those letters are numbers/code that is the same nature or structure this Universe has! Nikola Tesla said that, the Universe is made of letters and numbers... Speedy tasks we have now ain't it?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hmm I love this, maybe I'll understand clearer soon how the universe is made off numbers/code. However phones are and I bet many other things are.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Phones can be used for many things. We just have to discipline ourselves to use it at the right time for the right thing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

So right, it all boils down to discipline, if we can discipline ourselves right, then we can utilize it right as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I bet you without phones a lot of users on this platforms wouldn't have been here

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha, very true, none of us would be here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really hard to live without phones/a phone these days. Although, it has done some harm to people due to excessive use of it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Its very hard infact, I don't think I can go a day without my phone, maybe I can but it's not tested and I don't want to test it. I love phones.

$ 0.00
2 years ago