Just To Impress

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1 year ago

So amazing the extent to which we can go to impress another person, it's become the norm, wanting people to see us happy and joyful especially on social media and get their comments, it makes us highly rated, more desirable to the outside world. Many friends and many lovely vacations, however it comes with many fake smile and loves also, mostly drama are what we get from such actions, people who come to your comment sections to hype you but shortly after say bad behind your bank, on the long run we see that there's absolutely no need to impress anybody.

Just be yourself, do you, this way your expectations on other people are reduced, do you remember posting something and waiting for that response from that special someone, people keep sending loves to you but you're not yet satisfied until you get it from that one person you really want to get it from., yet you'll tell yourself you're not trying to impress anyone, then why do you care so much about how people perceive you, why do you really want to be applauded by people.

Nobody really wants to admit to the fact that they care deeply about what other people think, so much on the ladies as it is on male, however the ladies showing more emotions would appear as more concerned than the Male but we all care. Nevertheless some people have learnt to accept things as it is and just live their lives, already they know what people think about them, they are not confused as to how the other person is viewing him or not, they know already and since they can't change it they just live their lives and be happy regardless.

More and more as the day passes we are getting more attached to the view of other people, infact we may not be happy for a while should our expectations of what we hope people to see isn't what they see. A lady told her make up was done so well as there are some mistakes seen, she would most likely have a bad day as she now thinks everyone who sees her would notice the mistake and see her less. She may think she's now very ugly and can get frustrated, yet later she may deny that she's trying to impress people.

Life exist in a way that our self esteem affects our mood and actions per time. And since we can't help but care about what people say, we would often have variance in moods, this morning you're happy and shortly afterwards you're sad. Something just happened that can make people view you less. Sometimes in broken relationships, the most hurtful thing about the split isn't cause you don't want the person to go, but that people would view you as that lover image you've been keeping for a while.

Impressing others Is not all bad nor all wrong, it's almost irreversible, from older generations to new ages inhabitants, we all have possess this trait and I don't think it'll end with us. Impressing people has advantageously made the world more positive. Yes it has loads of negative effects but it had positive too, both depends on the ways and measures the person takes, in the bid to impress someone there have been people who improved on crafts, further their education, so at least those who they care about would really be proud of them.

Nevertheless don't allow others be the yardstick to your happy, you can only control yourself, you don't anyone else, how they feel is entirely up to them, you can't impose your pictures into there hearts, they have to find it for themselves and like it. Waiting for anyone may lead to drastic delay of joy, and there no need for all of that, Its your life, you can learn to have fun for yourself and by yourself, others tagging alone is a bonus to the fun, this way our happy mood is more secured, we aren't moved by what others think, we are becoming our joy.

Thanks for reading. Be your joy. See you all in August.

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1 year ago


I totally get the point. This article is only meant for those who take posting their achievements online, or other stuffs, just to impress other people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha, it goes general too into our every day living trying so hard to impress someone thereby overwhelming ourselves, without realizing there are no actual gain to this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

From the other perspective . Sometimes we need to do it intentionally. A nice interview to land a job, An impressive presentation for a good grades or closing a deal. An impressive schematic designs for a project to be aporoved. But on the other hand if we are doing it just to impress people that has nothing to do with our life or goals then it's nonsense.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes I completely agree, its good we nail it at situations like this, just as i wrote on the 6th paragraph there are some advantages to this. And you've brought a very solid angle. Much love Grey ❤

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Don't impress other people just for them to notice or appreciate you, Just be who you are and don't mind what others might think of you...

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Just be you, just be yourself... everything falls in place

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Pleasing others is the worst thing to ever happen in our entire existence as humans. Most times we end up not being happy

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That's right, see why we need to shift focus and start caring more on ourselves.

$ 0.00
1 year ago