Things that girls like about men:

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2 years ago
Topics: Tips, Love, Men, Girls, Woman, ...

That title sounds a bit superficial, but dear, if you are my dear male partner or you simply want to conquer a woman, here I will give you some tips that will help you identify what your girls like.

On the other hand, I want my female colleagues to leave their opinions on the points I made earlier in the comments and also to contribute a grain of sand to the male community by leaving their tips and aspects that usually attract women.

I would love to invite a male colleague to do a response to this article but based on aspects of us women that appeal to them, it would be a lot of fun to do so.

Without further ado, keep reading...

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Be natural and sure of yourself:

Damn, I think this is the aspect that has the most weight when paying attention to a boy, at least in my case, the naturalness and security that a man has about himself is really attractive.

Women today have a much stronger voice in society, therefore we no longer tolerate machismo in men, however, I think many of us have a soft spot for boys with an alpha character, even though we no longer we are submissive, we still like that the boys have their own forged character.

This has to be accompanied by chivalry, it is not that you are a macho boy who treats us badly, it is that you are sure of yourself, confident, that no matter how much you treat us in an excellent way, you always express your point of view before us, so it's not the same.

I don't know if you understand me, but many of us don't want someone who says yes to everything, because it will make us understand that you don't have self-esteem, that you put others before yourself, and a person who doesn't love himself before others, he can't love anyone, so he's a guy, with a lot of weight.

Your group of friends:

Yes, that's right, girls pay attention to this.

When a guy is popular, he gets a lot more attention, but that doesn't mean you get proper attention with girls.

We first look at what kind of group yours is, if they are the typical womanizers who have a new love every weekend, probably, even if you are not like them, give that vibe and perhaps nobody wants a guy who changes from girls to every moment

Nor does it attract our attention, the guys who party every weekend and have no plans or goals for their future, that kind of circle of friends that is always at every party and all they think about is drinking and will enjoy, we will not like.

We don't like them either, those kinds of friends, who always despise and bully others, make them look like insensitive and ill-intentioned people, so who would want to surround themselves with people like that?

So what should you do?

Find friends who have the same vibration as you, since you will be like the people with whom you surround yourself in the sight of others, surround yourself with productive and hard-working people, first this will help you continue to grow, second, a person who Try to improve yourself every day.

Try to ensure that in your group they don't speak ill of women, that they are not all jerks, that they always want to hurt the girls.

And finally, try to make your group the most attractive in the place, there are studies where they say that the boys who attract girls the most is because they are surrounded by friends who are very cool and fun, so make your group the best of the night and you will see how the girls will arrive alone.

Have female friends:

This will help you understand women from another point of view, since men normally see women as in a hunting plan, but they cannot see beyond a physical attraction or obtaining.

So, if you have female friends, instead of asking boys for advice, ask women for advice, we women are very wise when giving advice to our friends in the aspect of girls, since we know each other better, we have friends and we can say what we do not like, this happens because we all act like herds, therefore we are all beings of behavior in herds.

Besides, a boy who has female friends gives the impression that he is a good boy, because all women make good friends with boys who are respectful and different from others, then you will make a good impression on other girls, trust me.

Take advantage of this friendship to the fullest, and share your opinions, what you feel and listen to as much advice as you can, and you will see that you will know a little more about the girls.

Be selective:

A point as important as the previous ones, women run away as much as we can from womanizing boys, we may have fallen once in our lives, in fact I am sure that all of us have once dated a super womanizing boy, who made us flee of all the guys who follow that same pattern.

So, don't think that being a womanizer and having a girl every weekend will make you look cooler, in fact in women doing the opposite is what makes a man really charming.

I explain to you, seeing a boy surrounded by friends with women, and girls behind him, and that he prefers to be alone, makes us understand that he is a person, that he does not act on impulse, that he thinks before doing things and that it is not carried away by the body.

A boy who is selective, gives the impression that he is not with any woman, so if a boy who has had few girlfriends and those girls have been very perfect, who have not been any girl, approaches you, it gives the impression that he sees you as a girl in the same class as his previous girlfriends, that he sees you as someone really worth having, and that you're not just any girl.

So, my advice is that if you have friends with whom you enjoy more than a simple friendship, do it in secret, that few people find out about your secret love affairs and not at all serious, so you will take better care of your reputation and you will not be like him. boy who messes with any girl

Approach with conviction:

When you have been paying attention to a girl for a long time, and you are willing to take the step to seek her out, don't go with nerves, don't go with insecurities, believe me that girls don't look at superficial or economic things after talking for a while with a completely self-confident person.

Insecurities are very noticeable, and especially the indecision of a boy, if a boy is indecisive, that is, he gives you signs that if he wants something with you but then he doesn't, it will make us understand that we are not something that he really wants and that probably have more options.

If you really like that girl, approach her with the greatest security, believe me it will be the strongest point you will have at first impression, many times a girl is too beautiful and perfect that you think there is no chance that she will take you into account What you don't know is that most beautiful and perfect girls are always waiting for a boy who dares to approach her, nothing else matters at first, but we will never forget that you dared to approach her.

Get to the point, always be clear about what you want from that person from the beginning, and from the beginning make it clear to her what you want, be sure of your movements, you don't need to cheat to get involved, that will damage your reputation believe me.

In closing, I want to thank my sponsors @Telecharm @TheGuy and @JenThougts for renewing their sponsorships.

Also to you dear reader, for reading me every time I upload an article, believe me I am very grateful to you.

I wish you a great day, I hope to read them soon.

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Avatar for Mafer8866
2 years ago
Topics: Tips, Love, Men, Girls, Woman, ...


I like men who speak with substance and who are good to people. It is like I am looking more into their attitude rather than looks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I actually love Men who are just being themselves.. In India, it is so freaking rare to find a guy who is natural.. They are so cringy to the point, we just want to vanish from the place.. And men with some self respect is also hella attractive

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome Mafer.

In my side I am attractive to a man who is God fearing, a man whom I can found in the church, using his talent or giving his time for the Lord. A man that will bring a woman closer to God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am also against any type of bullying by the with your article I grasp so much information now see 😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's good that you notice and like it, congratulations with your new tips that will surely give you good results

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am very impressed by way you share your words, everything lies in a correct order. Sad to see you are being ignored by him. I would like to help you to improve this condition. I think it's with the way you are interacting or using the platform. But where to contact, wink!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I have also noticed it and it makes me very sad sometimes, however I always try to improve. That you tell me that I write the articles well fills me with emotion, because you are one of the best writers of the platform. Of course! contact me on telegram @Mafer8866 or on Instagram @Mafer8866, I will be very grateful for your help.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is account named Mafer Riera on insta the correct one?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

On Instagram he calls me María del Rey My username is @Mfos88_ sorry I was wrong:(.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You mentioned very good points, my dear Maria, everything you said makes boys attractive men in our eyes, specially their naturalness and security, and the group of friends that they have... 😉

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's right, the physique may attract at first glance but wow the way of being is what ends up hooked

$ 0.00
2 years ago