The power of your mind

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Tips, Power, Mind

Although I do believe in the law of attraction and the vibrations of the universe, today I will talk about the most real part of the power of the mind, since it is something that really happens through your mind and not through magic. Have you ever thought why some people have the life they dreamed of and others don't? Well, yes, surely you have thought about it and you have probably also thought about how there are people who without money become extraordinarily rich, how people that nobody knows become Hollywood stars and how anyone becomes an artist. All the previous examples are nothing more than simply actions of life, that was not magic or that they were born with a star, which makes them special. All that success that they have had, the people in the field that they want, has been a product of their mind and the power they have in it. There is not much to say, because we all know that it is so, we all know that beyond the circumstances, we are to blame for the fact that today we do not have the life we ​​want. But wait, don't leave without reading the factors that can help us master our minds to achieve what we want.



Dream big, imagine what you think is unattainable, but don't just leave it in your mind, work to achieve it. There are people who once had dreams of the same magnitude as us or even bigger and they came to them but because they did everything to achieve it. Society is very extremist, nowadays it either makes us very conformist or it makes us feel unhappy because of what we don't have, that's where we need the next way to achieve it.


You need to take control of your life, put aside everything that society has injected into your subconscious or conscious, believe me it is not something you need. Put in a suitcase, those dreams or frustrations that your parents have and that bathed in the eternal "I don't want this to happen to you" fill your eyes with mud. Say "NO" to those dreams that you do not want, it is not bad that having a family is not in your goals or that your goals are only to have a family, what is wrong is that you put aside what you want, to fulfill the dreams of others. You don't have to work for money and it's okay to want money in your life, what's not okay is absorbing the way society views money, your life and your mind. It takes a lot of courage to decide what you will do in your life, no matter what others think of you, so I wish you the best of strength, to face the situation, no matter if you win the battle or not! But you did something. Many times your own enemy is yourself.



There is a great similarity in those two words, even though they sound very different. Would you believe me if I told you that what you think comes true and it's not magic or luck? When something you have ever thought of in your life comes true, do not think it was magic or destiny, everything happens when an action is carried out, many times these unexpected things are the cause of third parties with the same interests. That is why you have the option to make everything you want come true. But at what cost? Are you really willing to give it all? Because it can be exhausting, a long road, full of obstacles, but your mind is capable of turning that into a fact.


But not everything is to reach what I read previously, the idea is to make dreams really happen, they will not come alone while you are in your bed watching videos on tiktok. Reprogramming your mind may be the most difficult step, because it is surely full of switches, which you have added to it thanks to beliefs, but it is not impossible. Personal development can be the path that completely helps you achieve it, so the more good habits you acquire in your day to day life, the closer you will be to the life you are building.


Without this, it will be impossible, there if you will agree with that aunt who says that you have to settle for the first thing that comes to you. In life we ​​must take charge of our path, we must stop thinking that everything is luck, destiny or magic, we are the owners of the ink with which our life is written and if we are not living the chapter we want, it is Because we must have done something wrong. So if you are interested in getting the most out of your present, to be closer to the future you want every day, follow these steps and put them into action and enjoy the brush you have and do not let it have limits. I am grateful to you for reading me and dedicating your time to supporting my content, I am fully wishing you the best of vibes.

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Versión en español:

A pesar de que yo, sí creo en la ley de atracción y las vibraciones del universo, hoy hablaré de la parte más real del poder de la mente, ya que es algo que realmente sucede por tu mente y no por la magia. Alguna vez te has puesto a pensar, porqué algunas personas tienen la vida que tanto soñaron y otras no? Pues sí, seguramente lo has pensado y probablemente también has pensado cómo hay personas que sin dinero se vuelven personas extraordinariamente ricas, cómo personas que nadie conoce se vuelven estrellas de Hollywood y como cualquier persona se convierte en artista.

Todos los ejemplos anteriores, no son más que simplemente acciones de la vida, eso no fue magia ni que nacieron con una estrella, que los hace ser especiales. Todo ese éxito que han tenido, las personas en el ámbito que deseen, ha sido producto de su mente y del poder que tienen en ella.

No hay mucho que decir, porque todos sabemos que así lo es, todos sabemos que más allá de las circunstancias, nosotros somos los culpables de que hoy, no tengamos la vida que deseamos. Pero espera no te vayas sin leer los factores que nos pueden ayudar a dominar nuestra mente para alcanzar lo que deseemos.


Sueña en grande, imagínate en aquello que crees inalcanzable, pero no solo lo dejes en tu mente, trabaja para conseguirlo. Hay personas que alguna vez tuvieron sueños de la misma magnitud, que nosotros o hasta más grandes y llegaron a ellos pero porque hicieron todo para lograrlo.

La sociedad es muy extremista, hoy en día o nos hace ser muy conformistas o nos hace sentir infelices por lo que no tenemos, ahí es donde necesitamos la siguiente manera de alcanzarlo.


Necesitas tomar las riendas de tu vida, hacer a un lado todo aquello que la sociedad haya inyectado en tu subconsciente o consciente, créeme no es algo que necesitas. Pon en una maleta, aquellos sueños o frustraciones que tienen tus papás y que bañados en el eterno "no quiero que ésto te pase" te llenan de barro la vista.

Dile "NO" a aquellos sueños que tú no quieres, no está mal que en tus metas no esté tener una familia o que tus metas sean solo tener una familia, lo que está mal es que pongas a un lado lo que quieres, por cumplir los sueños de otros. No tienes que trabajar por dinero y no está mal que quieras dinero en tu vida, lo que no esta bien es absorber la manera en que la sociedad ve el dinero, a tu vida y a tu mente.

Se necesita mucho coraje para decidir que es lo que harás en tu vida, sin importar lo que otros piensen de tí, así que te deseo la mejor de las fuerzas, para que enfrentes la situación, no importa si ganas la batalla o no! Pero hiciste algo.

Muchas veces tú propio enemigo eres tú mismo.



Hay una gran similitud en esas dos palabras, aunque suenen muy diferentes. Me creerías si te digo que lo que piensas se hace realidad y no es magia o suerte? Cuando algo que hayas pensado alguna vez en tu vida se hace realidad, no pienses que fue magia o el destino, todo sucede cuando se lleva a cabo una acción, muchas veces esas cosas inesperadas, son causa de terceros con los mismos intereses.

Por eso tú tienes la opción de hacer realidad, todo aquello que desees. Pero a que costo? De verdad estás dispuesto a darlo todo? Porque puede ser agotador, largo el camino, lleno de obstáculos, pero tu mente es capaz de convertir eso en un hecho.


Pero no todo es llegar hasta lo anteriormente leído, la idea es hacer que de verdad, pasen los sueños, no llegarán solos mientras tú estás en tu cama viendo vídeos en tiktok. Reprogramar tu mente puede que sea el paso más difícil, porque seguramente esté llena de interruptores, que has añadido a ella gracias a las creencias, pero no es imposible.

El desarrollo personal, puede ser el camino que te ayude completamente a alcanzarlo, por eso mientras más buenos hábitos adquieras en tu día a día, más cerca estaras de la vida que estás construyendo.

Sin ésto, será imposible, ahí si le darás la razón a aquella tía que dice que te tienes que conformar con lo primero que te salga. En la vida hay que tomar las riendas de nuestro camino, debemos dejar de pensar que todo es suerte, destino o magia, nosotros somos los dueños de la tinta con la que se escribe nuestra vida y si no estamos viviendo el capítulo que queremos, es porque algo debemos haber hecho mal.

Así que si estás interesado, en sacarle el máximo provecho a tu presente, para estar cada día más cerca del futuro que deseas, sigue estos pasos y ponlos en acción y disfruta de el pincel que posees y no dejes que tenga límites. Estoy agradecida contigo por leerme y dedicar tú tiempo de apoyar mi contenido, estoy totalmente deseándote la mejor de las vibras.

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Avatar for Mafer8866
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Tips, Power, Mind


Those who have a strong and powerful mind they are brilliant and they can reach the top of the mountain one-day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can, I can, we all can. We just need to get into action.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our mind is a very powerful construct. We are what we think. What we constantly allow our mind to digest is what will begin to manifest in our everyday life..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are what we think! excellent phrase so true and full of wisdom. Good day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those who unlock the power and value of mind will only reach to that level. Our mind has the fastest tendency to adapt and grow. Sometimes we only want to get feed like anything comes in mind we search for simple easy answers instead of asking the mind directly. If you ask your mind why your are happy it will tell you, if you ask it why you aren't growing it will tell you the answer. The mind's potential is immeasurable to me. Successful people take charge of what they want to do next fully with their lives. While normal dream and think and half-assely act on it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You couldn't have spoken better than you did. I am just like you looking at how indescribable and impressive our minds can be at any moment. definitely he who manages to dominate her has the world at his feet

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My dear friend, I completely agree with you. When we look at the lives of many successful people, we see that they have come here out of nowhere. This is because they have always had big dreams. They have taken control of their lives into their powerful hands. They thought positively, and finally got what they wanted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's wonderful to think that what we want we can achieve! But how difficult is the battle of our mind!

$ 0.00
2 years ago