A Game Changer Called Art.

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2 years ago

The week that is currently raging is one of the most stressful weeks in my college life so far. We are currently doing our activities under the final term of the second semester which gives me also a huge amount of stress because aside from the fact that we have received many activities, those activities are also tough and complicated for me. Therefore, instead of making more rants about it, I just managed my time and think for days that I must schedule myself for doing those activities. Yet, I have no other reaction right now but just to sigh and just sigh it all. Thankfully, I have such a talent for controlling my hand to create wonderful masterpieces such as drawing and painting. I could free myself from academic activities and some quality time with myself to explore further what I can improve in making drawings.

Thus, since we have an activity that instructs us to create a classroom filled with modules, assessments, enrichment tasks, and examinations, I have decided to choose art as my topic. Our classroom must have 3 modules—that must be originally made—and each module has different quizzes and assessments inside. In module 1, I chose to introduce the Visual Arts—which has been my topic since I was in junior school because we used to teach that lesson in our juniors. In module 2, I decided to introduce the other type of art that has been also called modern art; digital art. In the last module, that was where I inserted all. Aside from it being the last module, I need to do, I also thought that it can be my way to introduce how the art in my country is going and how it affects the artist. 

Moreover, it is my chance to use my artwork to explain it further because I can relate to the topic I chose.  Arts have a big part in the heart of Filipinos, especially the Filipino students, who use arts to get an extra allowance that can help them to survive their needs in school. The money they get from doing commission might not be a stable source of income and not as big as everyone thinks, yet, it is enough to minimize their talent and buy some things they need for school. Hence, Filipino artists nowadays are already building themselves on social media which has been becoming their way to post, share, and communicate with their clients to make money. We can’t deny how art could help young Filipino artists as it is also becoming their way to move forward in life.

My school life wouldn't be as colorful as how it is today if there was no art in my life. As to how I introduced it, art becomes my way to make money by making commissioned portraits. I just learned this way and became inspired by my senior visual artist’s story. He shared with us how making commissioned portraits and accepting mural painting helped him to crawl up from financial challenges. He admitted that they became short due to financial problems they faced but he used his talent to learn further himself and make money to help his family. He is truly an inspiration to me so I tried what he did and I accomplished what I imagined wanted to have. The projects are not consistent coming but I earned enough money to start buying things I need. Long story short, without the chance to improve, I might not like what I am right now. All thanks to our creator for giving me such talents that I am using to improve and be better. May more artworks come.

Thank you for reading this article.

You can read my previous articles here:

In This Challenging World, Who Are You?

When Midnight Comes

A Plan for Her Special Day—The Mother’s Day

Our Mother's Day Celebration

My Vision for the Next 6 Years.

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Avatar for Maestro02
2 years ago


How nice your project! Art is and always will be life and joy, just as you describe it. I wish you success in your career and in your dreams.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Art is cool but I don't have a talent with art haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would say that art makes the world go round. It's beautiful

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Art makes the world indeed go round! This is what I was trying to share. Thank you for appreciating art.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome

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2 years ago