Unluckiest Month In The Hostel Life!

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2 years ago
Date: 1st June, 2022

'Article No: 68'

'Topic: Unluckiest Month In The Hostel Life!'

Hello Everyone, hope you guys are having great time.

How are you guys by the way? I am fine physically and as I am home now so mentally okay too!

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Thanks to my lovely mates who continuously giving me the sponsorship payments.

As this is the first article of June, so it should be the short review of last month, as I regular post in the first day of any month. But this time it would be different because of the time I am passing now is hard and I was not able to write huge numbers of article last month! And also the $BCH I had got last month was luck by chance and smaller than any other month. But it is greater than zero, so I am happy! Well, today I am going to write about my 1st day of June and also about the last month in hostel. Let's get started & I am talking about the last month first, from here:-

Unluckiest Month In Hostel Life!


The last month was really the unluckiest month in my whole hostel life as I had one year experience from before. I started this hostel from January and first three months were awesome because the cook who used to cook for us was a good woman! Actually she had good review on her cooking and also one or two days off in the entire month. After that women was pregnant she asked for leave for a few months because she had to nourish her newborn child as it is her family time!


Then another women came as cook but she had rating on her cooking or washing the dishes. Sometimes she did not even wash the dishes properly because of her hurry and served foods to us into those dishes, like seriously! Somehow she got sick and did not work in our hostel, then we had to find another one. We managed another one and this one worked properly in the month of Ramadan. But after the EID vacation as we returned to the hostel we found a lot of irregularity.


And in that month I was 21 day in the hostel and she did not cook for 15 times or more. You know how hard it is to pass those 15 times by cooking own food or eating from outside! As we are students and we have limited budget for one month, so it gets harder to spend so much. But somehow we passed last month and took step to the new month.

1st June Again Absent! ;(

As I woke up lately, I saw there is no food in the table. I asked my hostel mates and knew about that she would be absent today(for the whole day), and don't know which day is she going to cook. So I made my mind to start for the weekend one day before! As I had to spend my extra money for food there I could not tolerate that thing at the first day of the month.


Hostel mates cooked some Khichuri from my rice, as I had bought some rice previously. I ate somehow little amount and got ready for home and went out for the bus earlier. And I reached home in the afternoon by a hard way in a small bus. This bus also ruined me as it was small place tight to sit on the seat, but I had to come home, so I just compromised with my pain! And after I reach home, I took my lunch in the afternoon, fish curry and rice, made by my Aunt & Grandma.


And then in the evening I called my brothers to move around by bike and had some gossips together. We ate some fast foods and drinks while gossiping and sitting in the field. And now the day has finished, somehow! Though I had tuition yesterday but I could not stay a minute more in the hostel, so I would be absent that day. And I am going to stay in the home for more three days and then I would be back in the hostel!

However, the last month was really the unluckiest month in my hostel life and had suffered a lot.

All the photos are taken from unsplash.com

$ 2.14
$ 2.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.02 from @Aimure
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2 years ago


Well i always avoided hostels but luckily i was living with my roomates in a flat we rented once and it was awful because you know this woman we had as house help needed to just cook lunch for us and do dishes and just the dusting since we were all day studying we couldn't do all this however like the dishes were always stained with soap bar or were left oily which is unsanitary , then she would cook somedays sometimes she would excuse her self and say i have put on some rice for u guys eat them with greek yogurt .We were okay with that too , she took days off like we already gave her sundays off then again one time she just put the whole fish in the stew .Luckily im a vegan so i wasn't eating that and i had my own meal prepared how ever my friends fired her after seeing fish with eyes in a stew they were disgusted even. That's why i always kept oats or noodles with me 😂🤣

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeah that has become normal things in hostel life but I just can not tolerate. I also have bought some nuts, dates, raisins in the room but when it is about launch or dinner we had to pay a lot extra money you know.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

life in the hostel is not a pleasant life, because when they don't cook in the soup kitchen, we will have a hard time finding a place to eat, because I also personally have lived in the hostel for 6 years and it was very unpleasant.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah thats true. And just think about the same thing 15 times in 21 days, how it feels!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope you find a solution to this problem very soon. Hire a new lady to cook or find a new hostel.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, we have been thinking on that but other mates are just too lazy to take decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope your hostel hires a better cook. Good luck!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah hope so, but those students are just giving chances after chances. Let's see how long it goes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's the best hehe eating foods while gossiping 😅😅 I hope your cook do not absent often so that you can't spend another money again to eat outside..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, that is! I also hope that she does not absent but actually she is repeating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hopefully this new month there is a cook that's consistent instead of y'all spending a lot eating outside.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well, she already missed two days of this month to cook, luckily I came home for the weekend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago