Eid Passed Wonderfully!

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Avatar for MD_Tibro
2 years ago
Date: 3 May, 2022

'Article No: 54'

'Topic: Eid Passed Wonderfully!'

Hello everybody, How are you & How was your day?

I am cool and the day was just perfect for me, haha! I said in my previous article that I have got little cold and this did not caused much problem to finish the day happily.

Rain Started In Early Morning!

My Capture

Well, it started raining from the early morning and it kept raining till the time of prayer. And all the roads got muddy because of rain water. And the main road was covered with flowers which fall from a beautiful flower tree!

My Capture

My cousins and I went to the Mosque with an Umbrella in that rain to have our EID Salat. After that we went to the Graveyard and there we also did our pray for our loved ones who died and lay down there for years! Specially I miss my Grandfather who is hero in my life and also the most loved person in my life! After doing prayers we returned home.

My Capture

And then I captured that lovely flower tree in my mobile camera and gave a little freshness with Adobe Lightroom mobile software. Don't forget to let me know if you have liked the flower tree photo! I had rested then after that and also enjoyed gaming in my phone little.

We Had A Small Party!

In the evening me and my brothers had a small party in a park field near our village. Actually all the cost was about of $2.5 and I paid for them all! As this was the day of happiness so I shared the love and the happiness with everyone.

My Capture

We bought two packets of Mr Twist Chips and 5 bottles of different drinks and one can of speed for everyone! Then after going to the right place we enjoyed the drink and had a lot of talks and fun there.

We Had Fun At Night!

At night me and my cousin had a lot of fun. We played PUBG together for the first time as a team. As he was playing for the first time so he could not survive much time and was enjoying my gameplay, I an not a pro player though! But whenever someone spectates my gameplay I feel another level of power inside me and that makes a positive change in my gameplay, lol!

My Capture

After playing for a while we ate two ice creams which I bought while returning home from the market! You know it is not good to eat cold foods like ice creams while getting caught by cold and taking medicines but it was a long time desire for me so I just fulfilled it, lol! Though the EID passed without any cold problem at higher rate but after the Eid Day now in the night I am little suffering with my wet nose problem!

Sorry guys, I have to sleep now & I am already late for tonight.

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All the Photos are taken by me & I am the owner of those photos. All the rights are reserved by me.

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2 years ago


Omooo I love the flower of that tree. It's so beautiful and attractive. I am glad that you had a great day.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah that is attractive and the flower tree is next to our house so I enjiy that beauty regular. Thanks my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really had a great day with your cousin and friends. I love the flower tree, I actually have seen that kind of tree here in our place. Anyway I also do play PUBG before but now I stop as I really get addicted playing it, though I mostly just killed 5-8 enemies 🤣, but it's a great pastime game actually.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah that game is addictive and so I don't play it regular. I have to delete or stop playing before I return hostel because of study. And Yeah that was a great day my lovely friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad you were feeling a lot better than before. I also feel this surge in energy whenever I'm being spectated while playing. It gives me a point to prove. Also glad you had a nice Eid day.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah I had a nice one this time but sad thing was I could not spent the day with my parents actually.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very nice photography,,, Krishnacura flower is my favorite,,, That is why you have spent a rainy Eid day,,

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wonderful photos i m glad that you enjoyed the day , and i like these photos you shared. ice cream was the best part .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha! Really? Thanks for loving those by the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'd like to know how that chocolate tastes.. I didn't have fun on my Eid because I still went to work to do some clean up with my boss

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So sad dear friend. That ice cream tastes like chocolate like dairy milk from the upper side then inner side it tastes like cream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your day was quite amazing like those flowers and trees you have capture..they are really beautiful..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah tgey are beautiful and I wish I could caoture more clearly with good device but I did my best with my mobile to show you all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

its okay because the outcome is clearband beautiful, so be proud of it because we were amazed by your photography skills..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The ice cream though. I want some of that lol!

The rain makes everything look vibrant and fresh as what was shown in your photos.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes you can get one bite from mine dear, :) ! But for that you have to come to me or I have to go to you! Which one do you prefer? Actually the looks of nature was more beautiful than my picture.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eid Mubarak dear you had Wonderful weather today while we had extreme hot weather. You had nice party

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah tge party was nice and memorable one. I was expecting the rain on that day but nit that earlier, because we could not do the prayer at Eidgah Field.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its yummy ice-cream. Im crave this photo.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha ! Well It was eaten by us, so we can just give you a new one from the store, haha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Rain photos are great. We are having a rainy feast too. I'm glad your feast went well. We usually eat baklava here during the feast. Baklavas we prepared at home. We serve it to those who come.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh wow! I have never tasyed that one. But it look so much tasty though. I would try that sometime. And it looks like desert right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually I am craving magnum now😢

$ 0.01
2 years ago