Yesterday when I opened the email, someone I didn't know sent a message through my email, the message he wrote was quite long, in short, he told his experience of fear. Even now, he is still experiencing extreme fear. I also replied to the message and provided several solutions for him. Btw, here I will also explain the causes of fear from someone.
In psychology, a person's fear is caused by anxiety that arises from within a person. This feeling of fear and anxiety has many categories if it is classified in the form of psychological disorders, for example, Generalized anxiety disorders, Phobias, Paranoids, Panic Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Post-Stress Anxiety Disorders, Psychosomatics, etc. The thing to remember is, anxiety disorders experienced by a person will be easily diagnosed when someone who experiences it feels disturbed. An example is a phobia, someone who has a phobia, will stress, sweat, and become depressed. If a person experiencing fear and anxiety is not causing a complex problem, then that person may be experiencing just normal anxiety. Then, this fear or anxiety disorder has a different cause for each person who experiences it. Fine, I will explain the cause
Trauma from past experiences
Trauma to a person's past experiences can cause pathological fear and anxiety, such as phobias and psychosomatics. Usually, this type of trauma is experienced by someone if they have experienced physical violence, sexual violence, or even been betrayed by a loved one. The bad experience experienced can cause a person to become easily afraid
Drug abuse/drug addict
Incidentally, the neighborhood where I live is an environment of drug addicts. I often encounter drug dealers and users here. Drug users often show a sense of anxiety when meeting new people, but the anxiety and fear experienced by drug addicts will be very visible if the drug is working in their body, on the other hand, if the drug stops working, the fear and anxiety will disappear by itself.
Neurological factors
Science is currently researching the causes of anxiety and fear from neurological factors. The results of the study also answered that the cause of fear such as phobias occurred due to neurological factors, in the study revealed that the presence of a person's nervous function was not appropriate, causing anxiety and fear disorders.
genetic factor
The emergence of anxiety and fear problems can also be caused by genetics or heredity. An example is the problem of anxiety in the form of paranoia. The paranoia experienced by a person in schizophrenia is usually caused by genetics or heredity
Wrong mindset/cognition
This is very common in people who do not have intelligence or people who are lazy to think, so they can be indoctrinated and cause anxiety or fear disorders. For example, someone who thinks that rabbits can kill and eat him, then that person will be afraid of rabbits. This kind of thing is usually caused by a person's lack of knowledge and experience, to inappropriate doctrine and parenting
Environmental factor
The environment around us can also affect a person's fear and anxiety. The surrounding environment is not only limited to the family, but the school environment, play environment, and even the living environment can also affect anxiety and fear, especially since the environment has a system of rules, norms, and instilled values (doctrine). For example, someone lives in a criminal environment, where the environment often avoids the police, then that person will be bound to the environmental system, that person will be afraid to meet the police even though he has never committed a crime or violated the law.
Those are some of the factors that cause someone to be anxious and afraid which I can summarize in an article. Are you also someone who feels one of them? I hope that doesn't happen. Thank you for reading, I hope this article is useful for you to read. Please give a like and share so that all can know this information. Once again I say thank you and greetings.
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Yes, of course I have fears. I imagine everyone has fears. But one thing I learned is this: "I know that if I scare myself once a day, I'm a better person."
And you're the expert but probably facing your fears goes through finding the cause amongst those that you mention. Nice article!