My Favorite Relationship

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Avatar for Lucifan
2 years ago
Topics: Life

Hello guys. Compliments of the season. Hope things are still very fun with you? Hope you celebrated the holiday to the fullest because you're wonderful, and your deserve to? Anyone who says otherwise obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. You guys are awesome, and deserve the best.

Today, I'm be talking about something personal, and I hope you won't be too bored. I'll be telling you about my current relationship because it's the best ever!!!

I've been in three relationships in total, and my current one is just more than awesome! When a relationship is good, you would always be able to attribute the smooth sailing to someone in the relationship, and as there are just two of us in it, you should already know my partner is awesome. This is the first time I'm dating someone from outside my tribe, but I've not really had any reason to regret it. She's way way kinder than any girl in my tribe, or in the world for that matter. She is sad when I'm sick, injured, or discomforted in any way. She's sent her last penny to me on several occasions now. She's extremely caring and really humane.

One other thing I always place priority on is intelligence. My girlfriend is more knowledgeable and much more intelligent than I am. I think she knows too many sad stories though, but it still counts as knowledge for her. She's also really smart, and able to come up with solutions to almost any problems.

Another thing I live about her is that she's stylish, and because she's getting another tribe, sometimes, her style would pass off as exotic to me.

She's the tallest girl I've dated, and this is the perfect height for me. She's not so freakishly tall that she's intimidating, but just the perfect height.

She has the most beautiful smile in the world too! Have you seen those days where the world looks dull and boring? That's a phenomenon that occurs when my girlfriend has been too sick, stressed out tired to smile. So, my girlfriend happy is good for the earth and people around her.

She's very cheerful. Because she's intelligent, no joke gets past her. She has better sense of humor than me, and my sugar of humor is not too be taken lightly. I'm even the spoil sport in the relationship. :(

She's extremely adventurous. She doesn't mind mountain climbing and stuff like that even though I think it's a bit dangerous for girls. She thinks I'm sexist at times, but I just can't for the life of me see what's wrong in saying that I see a difference between two physiologies in the human species, and that one isn't as suited for some particular activities as much as the other.

In all, she's the best girlfriend anyone can ever ask for, and I'm extremely lucky to have her. The day I met her is always going to be remembered fondly.

She's as perfect as a human being can be. She's flawed in her own beautiful way too, but she's so much more perfect than flawed. I never pray for much, but I pray everyday that our relationship would last forever because that would surely make me happy forever.

Feel free to let me know what qualities you like about your partners that make you stay with them.

Thanks for reading and commenting and upvoting guys. I appreciate your support in every single way you show it. You can be sure that nothing gets past me. Thanks a lot guys. You really are the best!!!

Special shout out to @Theblackdoll for being there for me whenever I need help. I pray you become very wealthy enough to help more people around you... You're highly appreciated...

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Avatar for Lucifan
2 years ago
Topics: Life


I wish everyone have a strong relationship 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have to talk a lot to talk about my favorite relationships. But I live in my favorite relationship.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's my story too... This is in fact the relationship I'm living in!!! We're so lucky!!! We both live in our favorite relationships!!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can feel the overflowing love that you have for your partner as I read this. Keep in love!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks MrsPepper... I do love her...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relationships woud be amazing if your partner behaves more like a best friend rather a partner ... and don't worry about the help, it is my responsibility

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww!!!! You're so wonderful Blackdoll!!! I hope you know I really appreciate you???

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I know and thank you for that.. all my life, I have done so much to people that went unrecognized.. feels nice to be appreciated once :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww... I'm sorry you go unappreciated sometimes... You're one of the sweetest people I know... Please never stop being your nice self... There are lots of people like me who really appreciate you... You're really really awesome my friend!!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, if your girlfriend should read this, she must feel really lucky to have someone say this about her. You really seem like a good boyfriend too, keep it up!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nah... She's probably heard it from other guys a lot that she's awesome... But she did read it and said she liked it... She's truly awesome!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago