My Favorite Bible Stories

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Avatar for Lucifan
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Fiction

Hello guys. Hope you're doing very fine. I'm still not feeling well, so I apologize for not being as active as I normally would. I have just one dose of my drugs left, so I may run some tests today to see what's wrong. Please guys, don't self medicate like me. I'm only doing it because I'm in africa and we're generally poor here. :(

As you guys know, I love fiction and fantasy. When I was small the very first book I read for stories was the Bible. It had lots of interesting stories I liked. Today, I'm going to share them as I remember them. It's been really really long since I read the Bible, so please best with me on the inaccuracies.


1) David's Mighty Men

In the bible, David was a really great king, and he was described as a man after God's heart. He came into the picture when a giant called Goliath was tormenting the children of Israel. David took his sling and give smooth stones and defeated the giant and liberated Israel. That time, Saul was king. Saul made a bunch of attempts on David's life but since God was on his side, Saul failed every time. In the end, Saul fell in battle and David became king of Israel.

Now, David inspired such loyalty from Israel, that you could almost be sure that anyone worth anything wanted to work with him. There was a portion of the bible I loved that was dedicated to talking about David's Mighty Men.

The first story I remember was about one mighty man that feel in a well and was trapped with a lion and he was strong enough to replicate Samson's trick and Kim the lion with his bare hands.

There were three of the mighty Men with David once, and there was no water around and King David was thirsty. The three of the mighty men set out to look for water for him and when they got to a well, they meet a garrison of philistines and they killed all of them. They then took the water back to David and he poured it on the floor as an offering to God because it was drawn with bloodshed.

There was one other time King David was growing old, but he still went to war with his men. They had often tried to tell him to stay home, but he didn't listen. On this fateful day, he was almost killed on the battle field and his mighty men saved him and made him swear before God that he wasn't going to fight any war again.

2) David And Bathsheba

So, the israelites were a warring people. Always in one war or another. But David at this point didn't go to war with them but stayed at home. He was at the top of his house when he saw a beautiful woman bathing, and he sent for her. He lay with her and had her husband killed. She had a son for him and the son fell very sick. David out sack clothes, okay on the floor all day, fasted and prayed, but to no avail. Eventually, the son died, and David bathed, wore good clothes and are very well. His men marveled at this and asked him about his behavior. He explained to them that when the boy was alive, there was hope of healing, but when he died, there was nothing more that could be done. Eventually, Bathsheba would give birth to another son for him and God would favor that one above other children. Bathsheba did give birth to Solomon who would succeed David.

3) King Solomon's Wisdom

After David died, Solomon became king. One night, he had a dream where God asked him what he wanted and he chose wisdom. One popular story I liked as a child went like this. Two women had babies and they lived together. One slept on her baby and killed it and then exchanged gets with the other woman's. On waking up, the other woman knew what had happened as mother's would always know their children. They took the matter to the king's court. Immediately, king Solomon ordered for a sword, and said he was going to divide the baby into two and give each of them a part. The woman who had killed her baby was in support but the owner of the child said no, and was willing to give the child to the other woman of it would mean her baby lived and Solomon handed the baby to the rightful owner.

In the end, Solomon would accept strange gods and people would reason that if someone as wise as that was doing it, then it was okay, and the chosen of Israel too would go astray.

The Bible is filled with many interesting stories. It's always a nice read. I find some books boring though (like songs of solomon), but there are so many other interesting books.

Tomorrow, I may share more interesting bible stories. Thanks for reading guys. You're awesome!!!

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Fiction


Though I have never read bible before but the story was very mysterious... waiting for a next one....lovely content dude

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Believe it or not, I've never read the Bible before. But I'm extremely curious. It's historical.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah... It is... What country are you friend???

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really enjoy it mate. I don't know much about the Bible. I like your Bible story. King Solomon's Wisdom i know about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Maze!!!! So so supportive... King Solomon is very popular even outside the bible!!!! You're really knowledgeable...!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really enjoyed reading these stories while growing up. The bible was like a giant storybook to me as a child

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah!!! Even me too!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago