The Best Life Has for You Is on the Other Side of Fear

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Written by
2 years ago

Here is the true story of a friend.

"I remember the day I told my boss I won't be returning to work after the holidays.

I had stayed up all night praying and imagining what would happen if I stopped working to earn a monthly salary of 14,000 naira at the time. I needed to do something drastic about finances. So I quit my job in July 2021.

The truth is: the first reason I took the job despite the low pay was that I was broke! No long explanations for that. Then, I was tired of answering questions like: 'What are you now doing after school?' from folks. You know Nigerians like it when you do physical jobs that they can relate with. Also, I needed some funds to pay for internet data, courses, webinars, and mentorship which would help me learn the skills I needed.

It wasn't easy working a job during the day and then staying up almost every night to learn, practice, and implement these things. For me giving excuses wasn't an option. I had to do everything within my power to live financially free.

You needed to see the expression on my boss' face when I submitted my resignation letter. As you'd expect, he gave loads of advice focused on the consequences of quitting the job. But I was determined already. He could not understand why I would quit my job so I would have more time to *press my phone jobless.*

Omo! That moment you realize you're not getting paid by month-end anymore can be so terrifying. One week after that decision was still full of uncertainties about what comes next. But I had made up my mind and I wasn't going back on it.

PS: earning a salary is not bad, I just chose a different path to tread.

A few weeks after quitting my job, I was faced with the toughest decisions I would make in 2021. I needed to advance badly but it wouldn't happen on a platter of gold.

So I was offered a 10 mins consultation call at a fee of 10,000 naira by my mentor. Paying 10,000 for a 10 mins call sounds outrageous. I know. But that call has made a major difference in my journey till today. My mentor didn't particularly do that because of the money. He did that because he needed my *attention and commitment*. In the end, the call lasted 7 mins only.

When we got on the call, he asked me some questions... Then shared a few personal things he wished he knew with me. Long story short, he went ahead with some recommendations (nook, mentors, courses, YouTube channels, etc) which I diligently noted down. *Na so I take collect soap for daily credit alerts.*

Fast forward to 9 months after the call, it's been 7-figures and consistent daily credit alerts."

While there are so many lessons to draw out from his story, 3 stand tall for me.

  1. If you want CRAZY results, be ready to take CRAZY STEPS. Normal steps cannot produce abnormal results

  2. The best life has for you is on the other side of fear. It's okay to be afraid because you're trying something new. But it's not okay to allow fear to keep you down. When it comes to making money, don't be afraid of losing the money you don't even have yet.

  3. Some things are taught while others are caught. As much as many avoid this part of the online stuff, you will struggle for long if it doesn't sit well with you. Ultimately spirits empower men with results. Some call it SOAP, Christians call it GRACE.

The lead image was downloaded from here.

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Written by
2 years ago


Like you made mention of, being afraid when we are trying something new is a pretty normal thing, but one thing we mustn't allow is for fear to gain a foothold on us. Also, we must always learn to be ready to take bold and outrageous steps when we want outrageous results. If he hadn't stopped his meagre salary job, he wouldn't be where he is now. Nice Story bruh.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Fear is the single most effective hindrance to advancement in any area of our lives

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. To advance we have to learn to conquer fear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Quite correct

$ 0.00
2 years ago