Grind-tur-day became a disappointment

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
3 years ago

Yesterday was meant to be my grind-tur-day where I achieve better feats than the previous day but was full of disappointments instead. One moment I'm grinding for higher mmr on Axie infinity and the next I'm in total disappointment all thanks to the network providers that decided to do a routine maintenance without informing any of their customers. If you're in my country you'd know what I'm talking about; MTN network, the network that rips people of their hard earned money and while giving us less internet data for higher price.

Coming back to my university last week Monday was a necessity considering I had to finish up with everything school related while working towards my project defence scheduled for Monday; unfortunately it's a big disadvantage for me considering it's a dead network zone which means I'd have to go to the nearest town in order to successfully play Axie infinity because it requires a very stable internet connection. I've been doing this for some time; do the needful with my project supervisor after which I'd go to the nearest town with very strong connection and grind mmr by winning on arena mode daily while meeting up with daily quota as given by coach Nazko. Having to travel everyday for good network hasn't been easy but I got no choice if i intend to maintain my scholarship.

Though I'm meeting up with daily quota but my mmr has been going down due to the poor internet connection which has been interfering with my arena gameplay and I sometimes find myself dead before my network finally loads the gameplay on my end, game finally loaded and all I see is "defeated". Though I finally win the arena gameplay whenever the network comes back but having more loss than wins is disadvantageous to my mmr rating. I had to find a better place with good connection and my game play for two days ago was totally unique; I played 4 games straight and won 3/4, played another 5 and won three straight which means I won 6/9 games and that's progress. Mmr went up slightly compared to previous day where the network put me on a losing streak. Mmr went from slightly above 600 to 715+.

Yesterday was meant to be for an increase in mmr but the unexpected happened;

Unexpected general maintenance

I'm so pissed off at the time of writing that I can't wait to defend my project, can't wait to leave this place, can't wait to go back home where the network is much more favorable; I hate this place and I forever will.

The irresponsible character of the network providers almost cost me my Axie scholarship; went to my usual spot for playing Arena mode when the network completely vanished from my phones; network was completely crossed out for over 5 hours and there was no logical explanation to it. I couldn't make or receive calls, neither could I access the internet; my phone became a toy at that moment. There was no previous announcement regarding a planned maintenance procedure, no news was sent to their customers, they simply blacked out for hours and I already began to imagine my Axies being taken away from me because my quota for the day was no where close to half-done. I was beginning to lose my mind, frustration set in and was beginning to exhibit this anger on everyone around me.

The Network came back about 6+ hours later but it was extremely terrible; the day was coming close to an end and my heart was beating fast because all that was in my mind was in my mind was that I had let coach down and was about to lose this opportunity.

Regardless of the poor network that came through, I had to force my way into arena mode but lost too many times; the network failed me, it took too long to load and by the time the game finally began on my end I saw two of my Axies already dead and only one left partially dead. Had to screenshot this at a point because I already saw myself out of the gaming guild, I was beginning to say goodbye to kristoffer | AxieBCH.

Network was acting up
Was already dead by the time the game loaded on my end

I almost lost my mind out of frustration, this happened over and over until I managed to finally secure five wins through the terrible network, unfortunately my mmr had already dropped significantly to 500.

The network providers finally sent a flimsy apology message via their facebook page last night without a good reason for network breakdown as shown below;

MTN's unsincere apology

It turned out that this problem all over the country. I was angry throughout yesterday, slept last night really angry and woke up this morning as well. I'm not only angry but I'm equally scared to play arena mode because I feel the network may begin to act up again like it did yesterday, other networks

I can't wait to leave this place and that's exactly what I'm gonna do; I'm leaving my university on monday immediately after my project defence without waiting an extra minute. I'm going back home, going back to good network, going back to all things good. I can't continue to risk my mmr and risk my position as an Axie scholar. I can't wait to begin to perform better; I'm going home to good network and I'd show coach Nazko that I'm better than this.

I hate the network providers, I hate their network, I hate this place I hate everything happening to me.

I'm sorry for ranting but I've got no choice; I cant take it anymore.

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
3 years ago


The network connection ruined you AxieBCH yesterday, it also did not allow me to communicate with my best friend too. We have yo endure day by day because of poor network connection

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sorry if I'm bothering you but my recommendation is that you don't immerse yourself in so much hate. Remember that you will only fill yourself with more negative energy and attract more negativity into your life. It is something I recommend you, practice patience and you will defeat your bad energies. God is good and has everything in control.

$ 0.00
3 years ago