Five (5) things confident women do differently

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago
Topics: Women, Confidence

1st of April 2022

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Who doesn't want to be confident? Most women I know want to feel more confident in their day-today lives and while confidence can seem like an elusive thing, it's not that hard to do.

This article will show you the five things confident women do differently, things that will help you feel more confident in your life. There are only some small changes you can make to be more confident and successful. You'll be amazed at how simple these changes are and how these changes can have a huge impact on your life. Let’s get right into it.

1. She listens more than she speaks

A confident woman listens more than she talks because she feels like she has nothing to prove. A confident woman knows that she is more likely to learn and grow by actively listening and paying attention to others instead of seeing interactions as opportunities to prove to others.

She focuses on the interaction itself because she knows that it's a much more enjoyable and productive approach to people.

2. She looks for small victories

A confident woman likes to challenge and compete with herself even if her efforts yield small victory. The increase in androgen receptors increases the effect of testosterone which further increases confidence and willingness to take on future challenges. Once you achieve a series of small victories you have months of self-confidence.

3. She gets her happiness from within

Happiness is a critical element of trust because being sure of what you do is being happy with who you are. Confident people derive their pleasure and satisfaction from their success contrary to what other people think of their success. No matter what anyone says they know it's never as good or bad as people say

4. she says what she thinks

If you are confident in yourself, you are not afraid to speak your thoughts out loud it does not mean being rude. It is saying things clear when we think. This occurs either in work, relationships or with the family.

Having to be self-conscious when speaking is a sign that we are not sure about our thoughts or the reactions we expect when saying them publicly. However, being confident also takes a somewhat mature attitude when expressing what you think since you know what, how and when to say what you think.

5. A partner is not essential

Many women need to have sentimental company to feel safe calm or protected and when that situation changes, they lose their stability a bit and it doesn't have to be that way since a spouse is a company and a part of well-being of many people. But it doesn't have to be essential to have someone to feel safe.

At the end of a relationship, you can often feel insecure to think about the failures or what could have been different to avoid a breakup. Still, you may hesitate when you are sure of yourself, but you know that you cannot force anyone and that you do not need one person to be fine you know it is a process and no she is not afraid of not having a partner either which is not the same as being alone.

Disclaimer: This article and all material used in this content is used for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is solely based on my opinion and is considered subjective.

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Avatar for Kristofferquincy
2 years ago
Topics: Women, Confidence


Confident women is beautiful 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Confidence women are rare and if one can find of them she should be treated like gold. Ladies should get involved on this article it’s for them as well as for some boys.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't know that I am a confident woman until I read this 😍 such a lovely thing to read. I was literally nodding the whole time I'm reading because I can relate to everything. I didn't realize it and I love the fact that I am confident without me knowing about that in myself haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Confident women always reliable and trustworthy. I like how you explain the this topic. Girls must read this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, they need to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I'm a confident women and I can assure, all this is so true :))) .. People always told me I'm an excellent listener :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Babe, I know you are a very confident lady. It's reflected in the way you say and do certain things. We haven't interacted much but I can tell from what and how you write. It's different from a majority of women on this platform. Reasons you'd always be my number one lady here.

I should mention that you're very intelligent too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

and you are the most sweetest guy ever, thank you Kristoff!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is the part where I say the "I love you too"..

$ 0.00
2 years ago