Sunday Rambles

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2 years ago

Hello People!

I'm sure you enjoyed your Sunday to the fullest. Mine was as usual, choked up with work and ended with less leisure time to engage here. But I thank because I covered up to 30%. I know I haven't checked your recent article yet, just give me a little time and I'd be there.

My Sunday started as usual, woke up very early to have enough time to prepare for church in order not to be late, but as usual, I got to church 2minutes late...I can't just help myself on this lateness issue again.

We closed from church and I moved straight to workplace. I got there and meet all the staffs available except one lady that went to her boyfriend's house to spend the weekend. I knew that when she returns she'll have alot to say about her journey, how the play part went and how she switched her phone to airplane mode in order to dodge calls from her sugar Daddy. Yeah, you heard it right. She has a sugar daddy that foots her bill while the main/temporal boyfriend is enjoying a stress-free life. The sugar daddy has a wife that's always hunting this girl but she wouldn't listen. I better stop this one here...

Work was moving smoothly, customers were trooping in to feel the excitement of Sunday and when it got to football match time, I went to the office to change the Channel and ofcourse the ladies lamented but I didn't give a damn. We enjoyed watching the two premier league matches of the day with outmost excitement. I love how my being is, I don't support clubs to heart, so I find it so easy to laugh at any loosing team. Hello! I didn't said I laughed at the team the lost today🤪.

The match lasted till around 7:00pm and the ladies started distubing for a change of Chanbel so they could watch NIGERIA IDOL. I refused to change because I was not ready to disturb myself. They reported to the manager and manager still insist that if I can't change it for them, then it's going to be like that, OR they should bribe me. I can't be bribed by those people, so I remain adamant. After a while of pleading, the manager saw the pity and he took the key to the office to change it for them. Our Nigerian ladies like AFRICA MAGIC Channels!

I got home around 9:00pm so tired, all my plan was to take a shower first before I'd seat to compose the article for day. I took my bathe within some Minutes and I felt refreshed, I sat down to meditate on what to write on but nothing came out of my 'blocked head'. Does it mean I'm missing a day already so soon? I pondered and decided to just write anything at all because it's too early to start keeping losses(losses of not writing per day).

I Checked all channels I could but nothing seemed interesting to my mind. "Yes, let me give up for the day" I Concluded and I was about to lock my door when noise from the lounge close to my house became intensed and alarming.

It was all about a boy that stole an iPhone from the people that came to chill out. They caught him and the guy that his phone was stolen used planck to wipe sense into his brain. The boy ran and he still pursued him because he wasn't done with the beating.

The boy in question should be around 15-17years. They are five in number that lives around the lounge. They behave like they don't have home to sleep, maybe it's true, they are homeless or maybe they ran out of their parents house to come and be sleeping in any open store around the vicinity. I know why they always love stay around the place,THEY LIKE TO PICK MONEY SPRAYED BY INTERNET FRAUDSTERS.

So the guy pushed him and caught him again, this time planck was no longer interesting to him, he looked out for a bottle and was ready to Peirce the boy when he got a bottle. That was when people that were supporting him for beating the boy turned against him instantly. They held the guy and collected the bottle from him. He became so angry that he started fighting the people separating him.

The people insisted that the guy must take the boy to treat. The boy was bleeding terribly already. The boy was later rushed to the nearest chemist shop for treatment.

Time was 11:30pm when all these things were happening and it looked like it's normal Afternoon. The noise woke my brother from his deep sleep.

Thank God the boy wasn't killed because police would come and raised everyone in the vicinity. But thank God also that the boy was beating too, he deserved it.🤗

Where is sleep? Time is 12:29am and the eyes are not ready to be closed, the noises from the environment is making the brain feels it's day time. Disadvantage of residing in such environment..

I have to force myself to sleep because I have a long day tomorrow.

Thank you for Reading.

So sorry for bringing this topic today, I promise to come up with something different

6th March 2022

Lead image from Unsplash

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$ 0.77 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
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2 years ago


My Sunday was very weird, I didn't go to church! Don't judge me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Go thy way, thy sin hath been forgiven🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember when I met a friend, she was really nice. She later said she had a sugar daddy, mehn I was scared a bit lol. I'm glad the boy didn't die and hopefully he learnt his lesson

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Some ladies don't mind at all. This my coworker in particular eh, if they're watching movies that has to do with sugar daddy, if you see the way she'll be shouting and laying course on the girl involved😢

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah! She should be calming down

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How come that the girl that you mentioned have a stress free boyfriend. The girl should break up with him. Hahaha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

🤣. To the girl, she's smart and everything is working according to her plans.🤗

Thank you for dropping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I pray that petty thief have learnt his lessons...most times they never learn till they meet their end. Maybe he promised his girlfriend that he would get her an iPhone

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha🤣. The beating he recieved yesterday is well enough to make him stay off stealing. It's possible he want to show off to his babe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After he's arrested one day. His girlfriend will tell his story to her new guy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This life no fit balance

$ 0.00
2 years ago