Let's Talk About My Pet Peeves

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1 year ago

If someone would ask me what my pet peeves are I will probably answer them by giving an example of an animal because, to be honest, I don't have any idea last time what that phrase meant to be. I know I may sound funny but believe me when I heard that phrase the first thing that will come to my mind is about pets that you are fond of, meaning animals. It can be pets that you have, pets that you love, or rather pets that you didn't much like.

But upon researching, I found out that I misunderstood what it meant, thanks to Google. I was embarrassed to know the meaning behind it. All my life I thought that it is what I think it is but it is not. But I'm still glad that I was able to figure it out. It just means that I have something new to learn and I didn't still know everything.

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So what does PET PEEVE means?

"A peeve is an annoyance, and a pet peeve is an annoyance that’s nurtured like a pet — it's something someone can never resist complaining about."

(Definition from vocabulary.com)

In simple words, a pet peeve is/are things that a person might find annoying. See? It's not all about animals! Lol! Reminder to myself that don't base the meaning of phrases on just their words.

What are my pet peeves?

1. Chewing food or drinking too loud

Have you ever been in a situation wherein you are eating peacefully but got distracted by a loud noise coming from someone who is eating their food so loud? Or even drinking water or any beverage with a slurping sound? Because I did so many times.

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At home, when we are eating my older brother eats that way. Whenever he chews I can hear. I don't know if he's doing it unconsciously or intentionally but I find it annoying and at the same time distracting. Our parents already advised us not to eat that way because we can be a distraction to others. At the same time, it is not appropriate to do so. However, my older brother still does it oftentimes I just wish that he might consider changing it.

In the other part of the world, In Japan, slurping noodles with noise is part of their culture. From what I have read they do it because they believe that it enhances the flavor of the noodles and the other one is to eat quickly.

Read this if you want to learn more

2. Waiting for someone for a long time that exceeds our call time

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Some may say that it is okay since it is commonly practiced by Filipinos which is known as "Filipino time". But I beg to disagree. For me, If we agreed to meet at this time frame we should arrive within that time frame. I am not saying that it's not okay to be late that's a different issue. There are instances that we might be late for some reason and I understand that. Being late for 5 to 15 minutes is fine for me but if I will wait for more than 30 minutes to an hour that is not good and eventually a turn-off.

I experienced it multiple times. If I am not that patient and understanding at that time I will probably be mad. I have mentioned in my previous articles that I am once an online seller. There is one time that I have to deliver a certain order for a customer. I waited for almost an hour before she arrives. I kept my cool and understand her reason but that is the time I realized that I am too kind and was being abused already without me knowing it. So basically, I learned my lesson and will never exert too much effort for that kind of person.

3. Using phones during a conversation

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A conversation needs active listening. I find it off if I'm talking to someone but their attention is on their phones. I feel like I am not worthy of listening to and what I am saying is not as important rather than what's on their phone. I just feel like I am talking to nobody or having a conversation with the air. Usually, if that happens my excitement and eagerness to tell stories will fade and I will eventually stop talking too. I need someone as excited as me to hear my stories, someone who is eager to listen, and someone who can focus on me and what I'm about to say in the meantime. It's nice to find people who know how to give someone's worth and attention.


Wrap it up! That is some of my pet peeves to share. It's my personal opinion and we may differ on the things that I have mentioned. How about you guys? Do you know what pet peeves are? What are some of your pet peeves? You can share it by making an article!

It's nice to see you at the end of this article again! You made it! Yey! Thank you for reading this article, I hope that you enjoyed reading it as I enjoyed writing this piece. This is just pure randomness that I thought while I am thinking of topics to write about, I hope you got something at the end.

If you find my works worth reading, feel free and don't be shy to click the like button, comment your thoughts, and even subscribe to my read.cash channel. I will welcome you wholeheartedly on my blogging journey.


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  • Owners of the photos will always be credited.

  • Images that aren't mine will just be use as reference.

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—————GLIMPSE OF ME—————

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Avatar for Khairro
1 year ago


Hahahahaha nakakatawa ka kuys...pero alam ko lang Yan coz I watch a lot of tvs and read a lot... Ako naman ayoko nung kinukuskos Yung paa o pala sa surface ng tela Lalo na sa cover ng kama and then Yung kuko sa black board ughhhhhh tsaka ayoko din ng maduming kamay Lalo na maduming kukooo.. eeewww

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Halos magkaparehas po tayo. Inis na inis din po ako doon sa kapag may call time na nga tapos magpapalate pa ng matagal, unfair po kasi sa mga sumusunod sa call time at maaga dumadating. And yung sa last din feeling ko hindi po sila interesado na kausap ako kapag ginagawa po nila yun kaya nakakawalang gana magkwento.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dibaa, ang hirap naman kasi maghintay ng super tagal even though maaga ka dumating. Mahirap din dumadaldal kapag feeling mo wala silang interes sa sinasabi mo 🥺

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Opo yung tipong inip na inip kana pl tapos okay lang sa kanila na naghintay ka ng matagal at hindi po inisip yung kalagayan mo. Totoo po yan eh ang sakit sa feelings.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Same for number 1 and 3, because I am number 2 HAHAHAHA

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dibuhhh ayan ang pet peeves ko and usually sa iba rin lol. At least I'm not the only one choss

$ 0.00
1 year ago