SUICIDE is never an option.
This morning, i logged in to my Facebook account to check what was going on there since it was a while i visited it, as i was there, i decided to say hello to the members of a Facebook community i belong, entering into it, lo and behold, the first post i saw was about a student in his final year in the University but killed himself. On hearing of such news, i was dispirited, sad and blue! It was so unpleasant to have heard about such again! It was becoming alarming!!!!!!!
I never knew why he took such deadly and irreparable step, so i asked what had led him to such action, i was made known he committed suicide as a result of the mockery caused by some of his classmates when he failed two his examinations, that caused him not to graduate with them. I shouted and said "some human beings are wicked, how on Earth would you mocked somebody because he failed exams? What a bad thing!"
Mockery isn't even good at all. Those who mocked him were the chief cause of his death, they send him to his early grave via their uncontrollable Mouths. The guy also made a huge mistake, he shouldn't have killed himself, he should have known that "failure is not the end, and that it is courage to stand up again that counts, and at the end you will become successful" he should have known he had grand potentials loaded in him. Now he is dead, how can he stand up again to rewrite the exams, talk less of graduating from the University? No way! He is gone forever. How about his parents and loved ones? These innocent people, i pity them ooh! They would be in serious agony and weeping presently, crying out loud, having considered all they've invested in him, yet he didn't wait to let them reap the fruits of their labours! What a great lost!
The bottom line of everything is this;
Life is full of ups and downs, challenges and unpleasant situations which could temp you to kill yourself. They could make you think you're hopeless.
I define Hopelessness as a state of misery whereby you give no room to expect good things. A situation whereby you see yourself as someone who does not amount to anything, or can achieve any tangible success or greatness.
We are all Humans, and we are in the world where problems are, even Thoughts also fight us. Thought of hopelessness might come to you, but never allow it stay in your mind, send it out using the word of God, word of hope and encouragement. Always stimulate yourself with quotes of great future.
God did not make you to be nobody, always know you have potentials loaded in you. God says he has made you wonderfully, and beautifully. So, God does not lie, He says you are greater future, believe.
When you have Financial challenges, never think of committing Suicide! Never think of killing yourself!
An adage says if you think too much about your financial problem, you will create a problem that money can not solve. That you have a financial challenges does not mean you should fill your mind with Worries which could cause you to think of killing yourself. Worrying could make you think you're the poorest, shoddy and most substandard people on Earth. So, do not worry, rather work harder and be prayerful. Do not think of killing yourself!
Do you know anyone who is sick or disabled? Please tell them never to think of committing suicide. Things will be better!
Do you know anyone who just lost a relationship through break-up or divorce? Please tell him/her not to kill his/herself! Another sweet relationship will come.
Tomorrow will bring good things, we need to stay alive to see it.
Thanks for reading.
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Because of the negative reactions of some people, he could feel humiliated,.ashamed and embarrassed. Instead of doing this, we'll convince him to be better next time. Not too much insensitive to other's feeling.