Once she wants to be a man but now a full grown woman

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2 years ago

The kid wants to play with the boys, Her siblings next to her were all boys. They play hide and seek and a gunner with a wooden toy gun. She wants to wear long pants and a loose shirt instead of a skirt and blouse. She's not a bully but you don't dare to bully her for she will crack your nuts until it bleeds.

She's so cute with rosy cheeks and pinky lips, older people tend to giggle pinch her when they saw her approaching or even strolling her way to school. She could not run away to avoid that auntie who is fun after her without laying her finger on her cheeky cheeks.

She top notch her class during elementary though she is the youngest among them all, nah no, no, I should say one of the three youngest in their class. Her teacher adores her, she gives some advanced learning modules if she completes her sit work ahead of the others. Although good to her academics she is still shy and afraid to stand in front. She's not comfortable when all eyes was on her. She can write on the board but reciting or singing shakes her knees. She's not confident and lost composure every time she steps in front to do a long reciting.

Recess time is the favorite of all. Unlike the typical snack time in the urban school here was playtime and climbing of fruit bearing trees are their activities. Sometimes playing turns into fighting, boys versus girls was the setup. Our he's a girl matched every boy in the class, they punch, she punches too, she claws, she bites, she slaps and held a neck until her opponent eats the dust on the ground. The fight only ends when the higher class or older students intervene. What's funny is when fighting you can't hear any sounds aside from punches and slapping but after all those fights then crying begins lol.

He's a girl who has the beauty to capture attention from the boys, only the problem is she cut her hair like one of the boys. She is mistaken often as handsome instead of beautiful. Some visitors from the other village at her age tease her and called her lesbian. She doesn't talk so much but the action and expression she shows how f*ck up she is to those boastful visitors.

Time flies fast, she learns how to be modest in her actions and speech. She learns to wear skirts and blouses, heels instead of sneakers. Her dark brown hair started to grow long, she started to love wearing those girly things, headbands, and hair clips as an accessory. She started to feel self conscious in front of other people especially when she is with her girls and boys friends. Though some tease her of the reason for her transformation she just shyly smiles.

Once she wants to be a man but now a full grown woman, who just love flirting around. But don't get it wrong, she loves doing that flirt thing but it opposes her modest nature, so in the end, she became choosy and almost perfect man hunter of her time lol again😅.

She met a lot, both friends and acquaintances. Had relationships known by others but had a few secrets too. Her basis in looking for the best man for her is depending on where her heart beats fast. Looks are just a bonus as long as love will bind them for eternity. Funny facts, her opponents during childhood became her admirers and suitors at growing ups to the adult stage. She declined them all except for one. Unfortunately, that one was just in an instant moment and they parted ways for some personal issues. Until they finally find their partner and live their own life respectively.

Once she wants to be a man but now a full grown woman, living a normal life with a lot of struggles and ups and downs. Learn her lessons day by day, stronger now to face each obstacle along the way. Finally, she came to conclude that she never change what was given to her by the creator, that wish was just from childhood curiosity and the real deal was with her and nothing can change that anymore. Just be happy with what you are and enjoy life to its fullest.


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The lead image was from Unsplash.

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Article #50
Published: November 23, 20211 
Time: 4:43 AM PH 
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2 years ago


she must be very beautiful, changes will happen to her when a guy starts to glance at her, I've also been in a relationship with someone like this and when in a relationship she turns into the woman that men dream of. it doesn't matter she has short hair but her attitude will be like a woman.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Are you referring yourself here sisy? Sounds like you know this person a lot ✌️✌️😂😂 anyway not all short hair are lesbian,some of them are just comfortable with their short haircut.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha i can see myself from your post friend, i like wearing big pants and tshirts before and I don't mind for my physical look, but now i changed i never wear those, I am a supper girl now but i never flirt huh hehe.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha, boyish k pala nun?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is a lot of confusion when still young. We may face choosing choices in the future. Being mature is one way to know what you really like in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think curiosity strikes back then because almost the people around were all boys😁.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why I am feeling that you knew the girl? Made me curious about her.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes dear, I do know her from head to toe nail😁😁.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I want to meet her

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are a lot of kids out there who still have the curiosity of what they supposed to be. To act like a woman or a man. Well, it's only depend on where they comfortable of.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We just hope that their curiosity will bring what is best for them😊.

$ 0.00
2 years ago