Starting all over again

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Avatar for Keltig
Written by
3 years ago

My journey began in late 2018. I spent $300 on buying BTC. I was so new to the crypto world that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. This is where it all went downhill.

I fell into the bitconnect trap because I was blinded by “quick money”. I bought $300 more of BTC and dumped that into bitconnect as well. Needless to say I somehow managed to withdraw about $400 worth when it all came crashing down. I moved the remaining money into multiple online wallets hoping to recover my losses by “trading”. Yeah that didn’t work out to well either. I finally ended up moving everything into Binance (now about $300). I had figured “heh maybe I’ll diversify” and started to trade alt coins. This only lasted a couple of months and I didn’t do so well I was down to about $200 now. I stopped checking my account and went on with my life.

Fast forward to spring of 2020 I went online to check my account and the money was still there just sitting. Price of BTC was around 4K to 6k so I bought another $300. I wanted to do something with it and that’s where my downfall came. My wife wasn’t to pleased with my purchase and continued to tel me to “get rid of it”. I finally succumbed to her request and got rid of everything by donating it.

Of course now that BTC is over 50k she ask me about how much do I have and the hard truth is a big fat ZERO. After long talks with her about crypto and even the stock market, we’ve decided to go in as partners instead of just me when it comes to making decisions on wether to buy how much to buy and when to buy. So now here we are ready to make this work. I’ve been reading up on BCH and really like the appeal it has to actually be used instead of just being held onto like it’s big brother BTC. We will be making our first BCH buy (the usual $300 investment) when she gets of from work today. Not too many places accept BCH in Hawaii so I will try my hardest to promote adoption here in the islands. Wish me luck y’all. Have a wonderful day everyone!

$ 0.34
$ 0.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
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Yeah but it was a lesson learned. Thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's too bad you sold it back then hehe. :)

Buy low, sell high or HODL! 😁😁😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago