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4 years ago

Time is always moving

Time is something we can't control

Time can change anyone

Time gives lesson needed by every person

The lesson that makes us what we are today

Today is the result of our choices in the past

The past that we can never go back to

Even if we wishes to go back we can never be

Time is constant

Time that cannot be influence by anyone

We might think we all have the time in this world

But when we reach the end we know time is valuable thing

So don't waste time by worrying something you cannot change

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Time is gold, time is precious that is why we must use our time to a good and productive actions. Express your love always to your love ones, because we can't predict the time if when we/they will gone.

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4 years ago

Yes,we must let them know and feel love for we cannot bring the time that is lost

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yess Sir. 😇

By the way sir. Can you check my article please? https://read.cash/@MisterWrite/crazy-busy-a-mercifully-short-book-about-a-really-big-problem-9b3d8292

What else can I improve in writing sir? Coz right now I felt discourage. 😟

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4 years ago

Time is relative according to our knowledge in physic. Time may not exist in some sense. At least, time is not the absolute. Constant is speed of light.

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4 years ago

Time and tide wait for none.Time is always running. so we should do our work timely. Otherwise we can't success in our whole life.So time management is very important

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4 years ago

It is said that God's time is perfect, the present time will mark the past or future in the time of life that we have on earth.

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4 years ago

yah that is right otherwise time is most important for us so everybody should use this time every day every moment to do good work helpful work this help us to make our our career so every body should work their work perfect time.success in life it depands in our perfect work in the perfect time so that is why everybody should do do her/his work in their perfect time. because it's veary important also it's help us to make our career.

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4 years ago