Whether accepted or not, evil is still evil

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Written by
2 years ago

Hello beautiful people!✋.

How was your weekend? It went well, right? Mine was not bad at all, it's just that I ran off topic to write. This is so bad for a beginner like me, I should have series of things to write about because my brain has not been tensed enough like the people that have been here for months but that's not the case. I know why it's so, a lot lot has been on my mind currently and I've been thinking and calculating to scale through.

I couldn't put up an article yesterday even when I stayed up till 12:30am, I pondered a lot to give a good length of read(on the article I was writing) but 'fuel' for finished along the way so I shifted it to draft. The writer's block continued till in the evening when I has a funny but true encounter. Let me share


Two teen boys(should be around 15years or so) came around to purchase food.

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The way they were ordering the food got my attention and I was thinking maybe someone sent them but I was wrong. They came on their own to chop the 'soft part of life' with food and drinks. Not quite long, some group of boys on the same age group entered and they dominated three tables waiting for the delivery of the food that boy is ordering. That was when one of the boys ordering the food started saying that he has a lot to spend because his 'client' paid this morning. I was shocked because when I checked the amount of food he bought and saw that it's far above my salary(X4) And at the other side I wasn't moved because I knew where the source of the money came from.

Did you noticed where I said the boy mentioned that HIS CLIENT paid him that's why he'd spend anyhow? Yeah, that's it! The little boy is into Internet fr*ud that's why I didn't feel intimidated....

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In my country we have 50% or more of the youths into internet fr*ud and it's more like a norm now with the way people are taking it. I know you've heard or read a lot about this topic by my NIGERIA friends here. It's no longer a news that the trend has left the YOUTH ONLY to every group or categoriesbpf People. Now all set of people are involved, even the ones that are not supposed to do it because of the sensitive position they are into it camouflaging.

Some months passed, news about two teenagers who left their family house to another state to "hustle". Yes, when they were asked why they left their state to another state very far from their home, that was what they replied, they came to "hustle". That's the language they use to conote working hard. (Those children left their home to a place where they'd be taught the processes of Internet fraud)

These days you'd see little children of 13years old spending cash as if they won a lifetime lottery that has unlimited spending capacity. And if you're not careful you'll be intimidated or oppressed by their spending manners.

During the days of my secondary school, it wasn't like this. Infact usage of phone was limited to only the people that have wealth to do parents. Comparing that to now that you'll see small boys using the lastest iPhone. Phone that would take years for bank staffs to buy, are now what small boys that should still be bathing outside are using. Lol🤣.

Where I work, day to day these boys come in their school uninforms to squander money. Oh! I shouldn't call it squandering, right?🤔

This issue has succeeded in affecting the young ones that still don't want to go into the so called yahoo. How do I mean? The young ones that have been trying to abstain from this act are gradually loosing it. They've started gaining interest in pressing phone to get client, they've started having interest in h*cking and buying social media accounts just to clone. That's how it begins.

Just last week, one of my junior siblings called me pleading for me to get him a smart phone. I laughed at first because I knew what was pushing him. I had to calm him down and talk real sense into him. I was able to diviate his mind off the fraud intention.

I wasn't surprised at all because that's how it starts, they'd start with "let me do it and see if I'll succeed and I'll stop at this initial level and I'm not going into the ritual aspect of it".


Sometimes ago when I had a policeman as a neighbour, we were having a chit chat one night when he brought up the issue of the rampant Internet fra*dsters, and he said if he has his way into the system that he'd learn and jump into it. He regretted why the system didn't come out during their age(he's quite old). I asked him why he'd want to learn and do it knowing fully well that he's a policeman and should be fighting against it. He told me clearly that the kind of money he has seen in the hand of these boys can not be mentioned, the money look endlessly.

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Incase you don't know, policemen have their ways to see what's up with these people especially when they're on checkpoint. Once they see that a Yahoo boy(the common name) is driving towards them, they'd get set with means to extract huge money from them. Imagine a policeman demanding $2,000 from a single person and the person wouldn't feel it after removing such amount from his account.

You see how influential and convincing the spirit of money is? The policeman have seen a lot and have wondered to the extent of wanting to join if any opportunity presents itself.


Before you go;

To be sincere, it's not easy to still stay firm on your ground in the midst of too many oppression by the extravagant lifestyle of your age mate, seeing them own latest cars and houses while you're still struggling, working hard to receive a monthly salary or reading hard to pass examinations on your own and not relaxing to sort the lecturers with huge some of money for a pass. It's not easy at all!

It's not easy seeing boys that are not up to the lastborn in your family dragging babe with you because he has money.

But the truth still remain, whatsoever they're doing, evil is still evil and we MUST STAY OFF EVIL otherwise the result won't be nice.

I don't know if karma still exist to return to everyone all their evil deeds, but still STAY OFF and don't SOIL YOUR HANDS WITH EVIL.

The most shocking part is that, people are now seeing internet fraud as a norm and not a crime. So bad!

God will help us.

Sorry if you didn't see me in your blog yesterday, I wasn't free to engage here. I promise to make it to up🙌.

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Thanks for reading

27th March 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


It's scary how common Internet fraud have become these days. Too many people are doing it and society seems to be gradually accepting it 🤦‍♀️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Evil is forever an evil. His pride makes him evil. He doesn't know how to be humble. He wants to be God and that would never be happened. That's why don't let evil controls us or even use us as an instrument of evil works.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, evil is forever evil, no matter how they paint it to suit their deeds. Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But evil can also apologizes, right?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hmmm, letme take a deep thought 🤔. For peace to reign the person need to admit that he has done evil and apologize with the mindset of not going back to the evil ways. Yes. Thank you for dropping by

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hehehe i must say that's a complicated thing

$ 0.00
2 years ago