Hello beautiful people!
Hope Monday treated you well? Mine wasn't bad, the only problem I'm still having is lack of electricity. Each time I read about articles from other countries talking about electricity, I feel like relocating to their country because electricity is life🤭.
Thank you sponsors
My blog today is what we once used as a contest on Hive. It's about intelligence and how to measure it.
First of all, in my country we have appalling ways we measure intelligence and SPEAKING GOOD GRAMMAR is the major one. In as much as a lot of people are against this approach, it has come to stay and we can't help it. Once my dad sees someone that speaks fluent English and of the same age with his children, he quickly concludes that he/she is more intelligent than his children...till today 😥. I used to frown at that attitude but I can't change him, so when he starts, I just stay mute and allow him to satisfy himself😁.
In school also, teachers are prone to this, they give upper value to those that speaks fluently considering them as intelligent because they always talk aloud of us that are calm when it comes to English fluency. It was a shocking moment when the result of our last phase of highschool was released and we were found ahead of the grammar headed People🤣. E shock them🧐
But does that justify intelligibility?
My answer is NO!
Intelligence is same as being wise.
What is being Wise or wisdom? Wisdom is having the knowledge and applying the knowledge. That's to say, having a good knowledge not a particular or many things and also know how to put them practice.
Intelligence shouldn't be measured with academic excellence or grades acquired in school. It should be measured with what the person can deliver with the knowledge acquired.
I was the best in Economics during my high school, but where am I now?
I mastered a lot of difficult engineering calculations but I'm I using them now?
How would one know that I'm intelligent in these areas if I don't practically display them?
I'm not saying showcasing is a way to prove intelligency, it's a matter of you doing what you know (perfect work) and people get to notice you without you beckoning on them.
Does school breeds intelligence?
Being intelligent doesn't mean SCHOOL IS A MUST, you can master and develope on a piece and that serves it.
I have a virtual female friend that I'm older than, infact she calls me big bro because of our relationship. The girl is damn good in tech. She was the one that showed me how to use the TeamViewer App and I really got marveled because a girl of her age should be dancing to the tunes of boyfriend & girlfriend...a typical Nigerian way.
I asked her how she got to know all these and she gave me the biggest shock, she said she teaches herself.
School is good no doubt, but it's not all that's needed to be intelligent. You can settle to learn some skills or trait from someone or develop by your own.
We all know a lot of people that dropped out of school today but they are ranked among the most intelligent people on earth.
I was chatting with one of gurus on hive yesterday and I was made to know that she's has not even done her tertiary education. It was hard for me to believe but that's the truth. She developed herself on her own and one wouldn't know that she hasn't obtained any higher certificate
Do you know that even mingling and relating with people needs intelligency to do that, if this comes by schooling, then consider all Engineering Students/graduates to be dull in this aspect because there's no connection with psychological learnings. School helps one in relating with people thought but it all boils down to the individual.
Thanks for reading this, much love😍
31st October 2022
You know sometime it's sound different that how we can learn virtually but it is happening around I also have friends who are teaching me online virtually but it is happening around I also have friends who are teaching me online