Heartbreak in football

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Written by
2 years ago

Hello People!

A very good day to you all, hope you're good and the environment is treating you well?. It's a nice morning here(at the time of writing this), the sun is out already with high intensity that's able to fill the body with full dosage of vitamin D.

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Disclaimer: What you're about to read is nothing but a full script of pain in African Football. It's not in anyway to insult any country. Feel free skip too...🙌

I woke up with an evil heart via the circumstance that happened to us yesterday. It was so painful to the extent that I never wanted to open Facebook or Twitter to avoid the heart breaking news. But one thing is sure, it's that moment you don't want to get involved with a news, that's the moment that its notification will be popping out everywhere.

It's about the ongoing Women football tournament in Africa (#WAFCON, Women Africa Cup Of Nation). This tournament is a big one that got many people's attention. It's being hosted in MORROCO (Northern Africa).

Since the inception of the tournament, My country has been rulling and winning the trophy back to back. It has been organized 11times and NIGERIA as won 9times and the remaining 2times have been shared by two different countries. So in a nutshell, NIGERIA female team(Super Falcons) are the Queens of Africa football.

I'm a big fan of international and women football.

I get to start loving myself the more when I noticed that I'm totally different from a normal guy when it comes to vibing with Football.

Normally, an average guy would love club leagues like Barcelona, Manchester United, Liverpool, Leicester City etc.(I should have included Chelsea before the etc?🤣🤣), but I'm totally unique, I go more with country games such as the National cups, and international football tournament such as WORLD CUP., yeah, check my bio, I'm a big fan of world cup and that's why I have #Qatar2022 there (upcoming FIFA world cup by this November). It's not like I don't like watching league martches like Laliga, Premier league, I love to watch but I don't put so much interest. Infact I'm a fan of Leicester City because they have 4Nigerians in their team. The likes of Ihenacho, Ndidi, Ademola and my sweet heart Plumptre🥰.

Photos from Facebook

Back to the Heartbreak in WAFCON22

Yesterday was the Semi Finals between Zambia Vs South Africa and Morocco Vs NIGERIA.

We knew the matches weregoing to be tough because of the people involved. We knew that a lot of partials would step in. Let me break it down;

Zambia Vs South Africa

The south Africans are good, no doubt about that but The Zambia manifested so excellently and they won the masses Heart, at a point, everyone was supporting the Zambians to win because the South Africans havr upper hands and they've been cheating with biased officiating from the officials. Do you know what? The president of the football governing body is from South Africa, so they been using the influence to officiate the match to the favour of South Africans.

Just some minutes to the end of the match on a goalless draw, the referal was called by the VIDEO ASSISTANT REFEREES(VAR), to check on a foul that's been committed by a Zambia defense in a 18yard box, funny enough the foul have been overlooked by the referee. The VAR dragged it down with countless slow motion display for the referree to check, after check and done, a penalty kick was awarded to the South Africans, a sealing goal was scored in just seconds to end the match.

The world flared up by the Injustice,no one could Believe, it was just like a dream. Day light robbery! The south African assistant coach confirmed that it wasn't a penalty but the deed as been done.

South African Assistant coach| source: Twitter

Morroco Vs Nigeria.

From the start also, we knew that the Morrocans won't take it easy with the officiating because they're the host and with that stats, NIGERIA are far more better than them.

Long story cut short, two Nigerians were sent off the pitch with Red card, leaving us to play 11 against 9. If you know football very well, you'll know how terrifying it is for 11 against 9.

The super Falcons gave in all their all to sustain the match, the Morrocans tried all manners to penetrate a goal but it never happened. The game ended in 1:1 draw after a full 90mins plus 30mins Extra time.

It ended with a penalty shootout which we lost by 1 goal.

During the game, fouls that made the referal to give a Nigerian a red card was committed by Morrocan but it was overlooked. Also, laser lights were used by Morrocans (fans) to block the view of out players especially during the penalty kick but the officials didn't see anything wrong with that.

It pains so hard to be cheated and you're helpless. The Internet is burning right now but nothing can be done, the deed as been done.

This is side I hate about football, games will will be won on in the room before the pitch and no one has power to interfer. Poor African football!


It sucks 💔.

But nevertheless, I love these ladies to the heart.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Super Falcons | Twitter

Thanks for reading

19th July 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


Your love local matches and world cup hg unfortunately your country won't be playing in the next world cup 😂 the matter just tire me.

I heard about the super falcons match yesterday but I didn't even pay it any attention coz honestly speaking, I am tired of Naija football coz of super eagles. I didn't even know the falcons lost until I read it here, make dem take heart, nothing is working in this mad country

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The super eagles missing the world cup is still a fresh wound because those countries that qualified especially Ghana keep dragging us every now and then.😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Football has been a game of interest right from the beginning. Most times opponents try everything possible to win the match. It was heartbreaking knowing we lost yesterday.. But regardless, we are fine.. Long life our beautiful Falcons

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you bro! The battle was fought well that night and regardless of the Loss, The falcons Still remains the best. Thank you for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really want to learn things about this sport, I may not be sporty but I really love watching people playing football.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Football in sport is so interesting to love. I don't used to love football back in my Early days, but look at me now, talking about sport as if I'm a stakeholder. lol🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omo, all these are already fixed match, the worst part is that they can’t do it Europe countries, they only do it to their fellow Africa country

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The fixing was obvious, everyone saw it, it's just like a dream of night but it was a reality. FIFA should call CAF to order

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Football is a physical sport, I was a player too but I didn't continue. many phenomena that occur in the world of football and now has developed into the football industry.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You were a Footballer, you would have continued bro. Footballers are now the richest in the world. I just wish to be footballer but it's too late

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It was so painful that I wished that I have some black power, I would have used it on the officials and the people behind it. Even right in Africa, we still cheat ourselves, that's a pity.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Guy, it was like a dream to me, I felt like waking up but I was seeing reality. The Worst thing is that, nothing can be done. This was how Ghana cheated South Africa during AFCON Qualification. South Africans brought down the internet with trolls and but FIFA and CAF played a deaf hear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh wow! I didn't know this kind of situation happens in football too. I cannot understand the game well, but I think it's a great sport!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Football is a lovely game but when the bad thing is that Politics now have hand in everything. To me, it's good you don't know football because you'll be getting angry when this such thing happens

$ 0.00
2 years ago