Heart Effects

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2 years ago

6th day of September where the weather at this moment is cloudy, not hot and not cold. I love the weather. Hope you have a great day.

When was the time you could say to yourself "It's enough" and everytime must be put into end. Maybe when we feel bad, feel sad, being hurt, being alone, being problematic or being in heartache. Different reasons we have but same goals to stop the ache or pain we feel. As I think about the different scenarios I ended up into something. We want to stop ourselves or the pain we feel because our heart is not stable. Our heart is in pain that we want to reap it just to stop. It is not all about heartache for lovelife because we can be heartbroken due to our family, friends and many other things. There are some affected areas in our life when our heart is not okay.

Heartache makes a person lazy or unproductive that you just want to sleep and be alone. No willingness to do anything. Maybe you can do some routines or go to work but in a lonely way. Make yourself the busiest to avoid thinking about the reality or situation. Work for the sake of money to sustain even though you just want to rest, you need to get up and be ready to do it. Our heartache makes us weak but not forever weak just a few days and some are months. Like what happened to my friend when she was at the heartbreak moment, she was so lonely, lazy to get and do something but then I still stay beside her and listen what she talks about, this and that happened the worst is while talking the tears of her was non-stop (no exaggerated) even her face was swollen and red. That even suicidal thoughts she did just to stop the pain of her heart. According to her, her heart is in so much pain that willing to do anything just to make it stop. Right at that moment, I realized how heartache can take our life if we are not strong enough to fight for it.

Heartache makes a person numb. Cause by too much pained we will wish to be numb until the pain was gone. Over heartache leads to suicide by cutting the wrist and worst is hanging their self. They think that was the best solution but it is not. Numb to face the things or work ahead of us because we cannot just lock up ourselves in our room and do nothing. We need to earn no matter what because we have bills to paid and a life to live. Sometimes numbness will make us brave enough to handle a much bigger situation than heartaches.

Heartache makes a person change. I don't know if it's for a better version or the worst. But, I observed some changes they had after a heartache is better, like loving themselves more, they bloom like a flower and changing their lifestyle into healthier. Stop the vices, toxic, selfishness to start up the version 2.0 of self. And it is good to see that a person changes for the better.

I know there are many effectives of heartache in someone's life that I didn't mention above. Despite the different effects just bare in mind that heartache makes a person stronger than whatever life will throw.  If you are in the heartache right now I know you can overcome it. If not, be thankful and pray that when heartache comes you are strong to face it and win the battle within.

I would like to leave the "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires".

JustMaryel sending you Love❣️

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2 years ago


Aguyy heartbroken ni ba hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ngek dili oy HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why I want to keep my heart away from those things or people that can hurt it. Our heart was fragile although it's a muscle.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also keep my heart and accept to never assume <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We get hurt because of our expectations. But it is good when we use the heartache to better ourselves, although there are some who make it a reason toward their own destruction.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It really depends on the person choice. Never Assume is the new rule

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you say so :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes we place our hearts in the wrong reasons because of our expectations, our wants, our desires that's why we end up getting hurt. We live in fantasy rather than reality.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Never assume rule HAHAHA.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago