4 self development book every person should read !!!

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3 years ago

Okay to be sincere I haven’t finished reading all these books😂😂 because honestly I don’t like a to read books except I have a test or exams .. I consider myself a creative .. I know I know 😂😂 just tolerate me . Anyways to the main reason for this article 5 self empowerment book to get your hands on 

1.Gifted hands

99% of people reading this article must have read this book or might even be reading it currently because of it vast popularity and the influence of it Author. Personally I love “gifted hands “ because I started reading it at a point in my life where I need inspiration,see I had just got out from an ugly experience that almost took my life and I need some inspiration I needed will to keep pushing that was when I stumbled on “gifted hands “. Honestly ? It was really refreshing I remember I would read a chapter and at the end I would pause and try to put my imaginations into a test and see if I could just imagine what Ben was trying to talk about . Also this book was one of my favorite because I loved that Ben was telling a story about his childhood and you could tell that there was strife and struggle . I also enjoyed the fact that maintained his relationship with his brother and mother and even his dad , even those times he talked about school and grades and just life in general. Reading that book really and truly a humbling experience for me so yeah GIFTED HANDS is one you should get out.

2.48 laws of power

The 48 laws of power is probably the most controversial book of our generation. The book teaches some kind of secrete knowledge or wisdom on how to treat people. I remember get recommendation to read this book from my elder brother’s friend . When I eventually started reading the first 3 weeks I started acting weird 😂😂😂😂 like I was too wise for this world but you know how it is now, it wears out eventually 😂. I sha don calm down. Truth is one of the things I enjoyed about this book is the fact that the writer analyzed each law with detailed explanations for exam the law 2 “ NEVER PUT TOO MUCH TRUST IN FRIENDS , LEARN TO USE YOUR ENEMIES “   Which would simply mean beware of friends they are likely to betray easily because they are quick to envy you. Honestly the 48 laws of power is actually very good I even heard it is illegal in certain countries across the world because of the kind of wisdoms it contains. So yeah try to check this book out too 👍

3.The art of war (sun tzu)

This is one of my favorite books because I started reading this book because there was literally nothing else I could do I was caught between a rock and a hard place and I am thankful that I survived that experience but this book definitely shaped a new thing in me . So basically the art teaches you ancient war strategies and how to apply them to present day battle. It’s origin is from the Chinese and how their generals approach different kinds of wars in order to ensure victory . Apart from that this book book teaches it reader what they would need to become leaders in their various life fields this is not just a normal random book as it has been rewritten over and over again by different Chinese scholars over the decades. Scholars like CONFICIUS have had their part to play in the history of this original text of this book. Personally I love this book because of it deep meanings and exposure to real way situations. So yes “art of war” ? Definitely !!!.

4.The Subtle art of not giving a f*ck

Honestly I think mark Manson outdid himself on this book because it was so personal for me. It really felt like he was in front of me while I read these words I could really connect to what he was saying. So basically the book talks about not having to think that you are not good enough and the flaws of society, their beliefs and the pressure it puts on us as individuals. Funny enough chapter 4 - the value of suffering is probably my favorite chapter I love that the talked About lieutenant hiroo onoda of the Japanese imperial army. Okay maybe I am talking too much Asian culture I am sorry 😂😂 the Asian are just so amazing. Anyways “ the subtle art of not giving a fuck is one book you should definitely consider especially for people trying to boost their self esteem and to find their reason for life .it just a fun book to read honestly .

There are lots more books to check out this is the few I have actually read myself 😂😂 like I said I don’t really like to read books but hey I hope this was helpful . Anyways enjoy thanks for all the support my newest sponsor @Gaftek and my friends @HappyBoy @tired_momma @King_Gozie @beemo-bch

and every other person thanks for your kind comments on my last article I hope you enjoy this till I write again

arigato ✌🏼

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3 years ago


I don't read books :(

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Aynahh.. I never tried to read books like that, because honestly, I don't like reading books too..😅 Honestly, I have a hard time reading, even articles because of my eyes, but I'm just thankful that I'm still able to especially on this platform..

Nice meeting you.👋 Looking forward to read more about you..☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks you for your kinds words 😌

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know when was the last time I've read a book. It seems like ages ago. I have read the Art of War once but I forgot about it lol! That's how my memory works. I easily forget. I have come across Ben Carson in some of the books I read growing up but I haven't read Gifted Hands.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sir/ma you should try and read it I promise you would enjoy gifted hands and the art of war too is also an amazing book trust me

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I remember I did enjoy Art of War after watching a movie about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh really what is the name of this movie I would love to watch it some time

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I read gifted hand but in sss1 . It was really inspiring. I read some of these books. The act of war is one i must read.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bruhhh the art of war is so much more informative try to read it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will definitely find these books, never knew there was so much to learn from them....you took me on a journey with this🤗🤗 I love how you explained it been the source of your strength in times when you where down...

Gifted hands and power are the only two I've heard of, thanks for this Sir...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you boss I appreciate your kind words 💪

$ 0.01
3 years ago