Walk a mile in my shoes

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2 years ago

30 April 2022

There is a Nigerian adage that goes

“It is the person that walks around in a shoe that knows where it hurts in his feet”

You see If i have learnt anything for “over 2 decades” of living on this earth it would be not to ever judge a person without knowing the situation of things for them currently or what they have been through in the past.

Truth is sometimes it is easier to sit on a high horse and just pass judgement on a person without really finding out what happened or what caused their situation. We might be too lazy or just ignorant but as much as we want to deny it sometimes there are some particular reasons why we do things like this to others. For example it might be our …


Here is a story ..

I saw a funny image on the social app this morning of two guys standing on opposite side to each other while a number which appears to be number 6 to one base on where he is standing and 9 to the other base on where he is standing. They both had this angry looking face towards each other while point at the number. My guess is one sees it as a 6 while the other says it is definitely a 9.

Perspective, sometimes we refuse to see things from where the other person sees it, it is like we are dismissing whatever argument they may have because we know for a fact that ours is right. What if they are more than one right answers? Some of us don’t think like that. I feel like if a person is to make a significant change in another’s life he has to see things from their point of view so as to know what route to take to make them understand whatever message he is trying to pass.sometimes One might even learn a thing or two to add to what they already know.


This is common among friends or people who see each other all the time. Sometimes in life you might have a vision, an idea or something you want to try and then you talk to people about it the next thing you know they are projecting. Telling you all the negatives and giving you concrete reasons why you would fail because they have.

In other case you might have already started you just find them poking and whispering in your ear that you might fail or that you aren’t qualified enough to pull off something great like that. It’s like They don’t see your goals or know what your plans are. All they know is because they didn’t make it then what gives you the right to think you can and they certainly will project all their fears on you to stop you.

Another point is ..


This is when Most people just want to believe that whatever you are doing you are doing it wrong because they don’t like you or they feel like you should be failing. They would go the extra mile to put you down or saying things about you that they know very little or nothing about.

These things can be really funny sometimes yet very damaging. Sometimes I am like but “hey man you don’t even know me like that and even if you did let me see you walk a mile in my shoes and see how far you would go”.Most people would listen to you physically but wouldn’t hear a word you said why? Because they can’t relate they are blind to your every idea.

If you go out on the street and you see some kids hustling to make a living if you don’t understand what they have been through or what they are going through you might just think they greedy and ignorant but often times it is not the case. The shoe is often too tight or hurts. Well I don’t have much to say all I can say is before you judge a person make sure you can walk in their shoes and not do the same.

Thank you.✍️

Peace and love. Jumper


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2 years ago


Yes ignorance ruin things too, it true that we shouldn't judge others, we never know what they have been through or going through. Life isn't that fun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah life isn’t fun all the time and certain not fun for everybody some people have real life great problems

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true ! Sometimes people drag us down through making gossips with a slight knowledge about us. We can't contend them with our strength but we need also to remind them that they shouldn't done unnecessary things to us. A lovely thought coming from you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks natsu for your lovely contribution.. happy new month

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Each individual has a different view point in which he judge the people , events or situation with his own measuring scale. We can't argue with others but requires to measure the things with proper realistic judgment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you are right also I don’t believe in judging people I feel like only God can do that

$ 0.00
2 years ago