PUBLISHED : 23.10.2021
PUBLISHED BY ; jumper01
how about some free writing?
Have you ever gotten to a queue the same time with a person but spent way more time on the line than that the person because they are beautiful or handsome? Most people might argue and say “oh I don’t think that is the reason why they got it quickly or easy” well I am here to tell you that pretty privilege is a real thing.
what is pretty privilege you ask ?
Pretty privilege is a term used to describe a situation where a certain person is Favored because of their looks or physical stature.
A short story
I had a friend back in secondary school who was one of those pretty boys ;for the purpose of this article I would call him PB. You see PB means pretty boy and you guessed right he was very handsome. I remember sometimes we would go out to get food at these local restaurants and the person at the counter usually females would always just flirt with him, he usually got extra piece of meat and sometimes they even forget to collect money from him. I always told him that he got all these luck because he was a pretty boy but no he would usually argue that I was just only jealous because he had “people gift” ;- that is the ability to relate well to people or the ability to make people like you just feel minutes from talking or seeing you for the first time.
This “argument” went on for like a week until we decided to carry out a little experiment. How?? you would ask. We decided that Prior to visiting 3 of our favorite food places where he usually gets free meats and stuff PB wouldn’t shave or cut his hair for a week. We made sure he looked rough and even when we went to get food at these places we made sure he wasn’t wearing body Spray or Cologne.
Now get this, most attractive people are usually always attractive whether they try to look it or not but when they make attempts to look unattractive it can reduce their charm quite a bit.
Anyways we agreed that he wasn’t going to smile when greeted any of these women, he was just going to go there ask to buy food maybe ask how their day went and leave .
guess what??
regardless of his unkept looks He still got more extra piece of meat from these lady. Maybe they weren’t thinking of him sexually but they sure smiled a lot when he spoke to them .We even went to our least favorite restaurant the same thing . Oh what were you thinking ?? That he was going to loose his charm just because he looked a little unkept well he didn’t. My point is pretty privilege is really a thing and with the little experiment we carried out he was able to understand that even though he is kind of a social person his face goes a long way to help people Favour him.
Closing thoughts
Most of you pretty people; can relate to what I am saying . You notice when you go out people just smile at you for no reason , trying to get friendly or just want to help you even when they don’t know you like that , that is pretty privilege and I just feel like you should know that it is a blessing and you have to use it well. Flaunt it, having a pretty face is a gift from God so don’t allow anyone make you feel like you don’t have the rights to show it off ; please by all means do.
And to those of us that aren’t really attractive physically well we have other attributes, we are good at so many other things. I just feel like everyone has to find their strength and build on it.
With this I would be ending my writing for today. Like what you have read ? You can check out some of my other works 👇🏻
Also check my sponsors:- the reason I have so inspiration and courage to keep writing.
you can catch a vibe with me on these platforms
People do have a certain magnetism and you do send out vibes without realising it. The trick is to give out good vibes that get rewarded without you even trying.