How real is your fake?
“I live the life that I want, it could be better but I don’t live the life that I front. No gold chains probably silver yeah I don’t go wild I am realer ..”
vector ( a Nigerian artist)
You see a lot of people lie online about the kind of lifestyle they lead due to so many reasons and for the longest time I had faulted them for living such fake life but recently I started thinking about all that after I saw an interview online about the entertainment industry.
Fake it till you make it ..
You see the entertainment industry is something of this sort;Most people fake this lifestyle now because if people aren’t seeing the type of lifestyle they expect from an entertainer they wouldn’t think much of them let alone conduct business with them. With that in mind do you still think it is right to lead a fake life?
I would just tell you now I am indifferent about these sort of thing. I mean I don’t think I can ever fake a lifestyle for any reason in the world not because I am too real or something but because I just wouldn’t be able to sell it. People won’t have to look twice before they know that I am faking it. The only way I know how to live is living like me.
Take for example the popular American series SUITS. If that were a real life story, all my respect would go to mike for being able to pull of a lie like that for that long in a huge law firm like that in a big city like New York while working for a top gun like havier specter. You see a good actor would make you believe the story they are selling to you but a great actor would have you thinking they actually own the story.
Who can sell the fakest story ? A performer. A great performer I tell you. Who is a great performer?
I saw a movie once about two top magicians in a city. They were going at each other for years and years trying to figure out the secret of each magic tricks but they aren’t the reason for this example.
I remember a scene where they were both apprentice for another magician. They saw a magic trick from an old Asian man whose trick was to pull out a bowl filled with water and a tiny fish from tin air. Now the secret to this trick is the fact that the old Asian man would usually fit the bowl in between his thighs. Of course he wore those nice silk traditional Asian clothes that covers the whole body. The walks like he has a back-pain problem and because of that nobody suspects that he might hide things under his clothes.
Now that isn’t what is amazing. What really is .. is the fact that even when nobody is watching or when he isn’t performing he still pretends that he has a back-pain. He has re-constructed his life that way so that nobody suspects a thing.
Now that .. that is what a greater performer is looks like, being able to sell the fakest story when in sight and when not in sight.
What I am trying to say is life is hard enough as it is so when I see people doing certain things I don’t judge them. Things like acting fake or living a fake life all one can do is advice them. So if you put it to me as a question if I support the fake lifestyle:- yes or no?
Well my answer would be- I am indifferent about it. For me do what rocks your boat but remember every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Again this isn’t me saying one thing and going against another plus I am not trying to contradict myself. All I am saying is…
I feel like everyone is entitled to the kind of lifestyle they want to live and nobody should make them feel differently. If living a lie would or living fake let’s you sleep at night ? Well I say go for it but for some of us who just can’t pull a good old-fashioned fake lifestyle my advice is remain as real as you can be…remain true to yourself that is the easiest way.. I would leave you with these words from a popular story teller ..
.. if you tell a lie to move into a house you better be ready to tell 99 more to stay in that house.
Thank you once again for reading ✍️❤️.
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