PUBLSIHED: 29.10.2021
This is might be a very funny topic to write about just hear me out. Do you ever feel like sometimes this site Favour certain people than others I am not saying that is a bad thing because even life itself is not fair, to be honest nothing is really fair if you look at things in certain ways. The fact that the way we see things are relative to how we feel about them or what we know about them is something that one should consider . So let’s see if at the end of the article I am able to make you feel as though i am in a toxic relationship with read cash.
I would try as much as possible to put my thoughts into words so that it can make sense.. well here goes nothing.
self-imposed pressure
Okay I haven’t being on this site too long and i must say I am still learning a lot of things I still remember texting happyboy few days back about certain things I didn’t understand. With that said I noticed that I have been putting pressure on myself to make sure I published at least 1 article per day and right now I am really starting to feel it. These days when I wake up in the morning after my prayers and breakfast I start cracking my head what would my topic today be. Although sometimes I am usually inspired with things I see or conversations I have with people but other times my mind is usually BLANK. Then I start to check my draft to see if I have unfinished articles I could publish and if I don’t finish writing them in time due to lack of inspiration I might go into a mini panic mode and let me tell you it is usually not a good feeling for me.
Another thing that triggers a little panic in me is when I see that one of my subscribers unsubscribe from my page. I start to ask myself maybe I did something wrong maybe I said something I wasn’t suppose to say what could it be ? But most times I am really not concerned as to how many subscribers I get honestly. I just feel like I am here to write my heart out and if someone feels like they no longer relate to the kind of articles I put out they can always unsubscribe but if they choose to still me with I would so much appreciate it as I love all my subscribers so much.
As much as so many writers on this platform would deny this and insist that they only write on here for the love of writing you see many of them go into panic mode when @TheRandomRewarder goes exile for maintenance. Well I am not judging anybody I feel the same. I get anxious when rusty does not visit my article frequently as I predicted or when rusty leaves for a while for maintenance but like I said before for me writing on here goes beyond just earning #BCH , this platform helps me express a lot of feelings and helps me put my thoughts into written words which can be very therapeutic. I guess all I am saying is earning is an important part of writing on this site and when We don’t earn for a while fear comes in. We start to ask if our account has been spammed. It is really not a pretty feeling.
I actually have a lot of things to say I am just trying to figure out the right words to use so that I don’t sound ungrateful for this opportunity given to me. Who knows…
maybe I am over exaggerating, maybe the title isn’t fitted for what I am trying to say .. you could help me decide a more soothing title for this article till then I am keeping this one. Thank you for your time and support do not forget to check out my amazing set of sponsors. The very best I tell you
check them out !!!! Check them out !!!
Let’s catch a vibe on
Thank you once again and stay safe ❤️.
That's how life is sometimes. It aren't fair.