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2 years ago
Topics: My article, Story, People, Life, Kindness, ...

10 April 2022

Most times people only look at the bad a person does 1 time when they are judging him or her .I don’t understand it. It’s like they want to wipe out all the good he or she has done so that they can only see bad things which would allow them judge a person in whatever way the deem fit.

Everybody does this, me, you, your aunt, your crush, your friends, their friends and I just tend to wonder is it how it was meant to be or is it the way society has constructed it to be. I am going to tell you a story about how a king felt ashamed of his actions but before I do that do check out my sponsors and for all my sponsors who are no longer sponsoring me I thank you for the time we spent together as sponsors and sponsee.. I hope to see you again soon.

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story time !!!

Once upon a time in a very small village they lived a king who enjoyed training wild cats and dogs. He had 10 of those cats and dogs inclusive. He trained them in a small cage around his palace. Everybody knew about the king’s love for his animals so they made sure they didn’t get on his wrong side because the king would always feed anyone who wronged him to his animals.

One day one of his servant gave the king his opinion about the animals he was raising and how he was feeding people who he didn’t like to them. The king did not like the opinion of this servant so he ordered that he be thrown into the cages of these animals to feed them.

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The servant said to the king

“I have served you for 10 years and you do this to me?”

He pleaded “ please give me 10 days before thrown me to the dogs”

The king agreed and so the servant was allowed to live for 10 more days. In those 10 days the servant went to the guard who fed the dogs. He told them that he would like to serve the dogs for 10 days . They felt bad for him but they agreed. So the servant started feeding the dogs, bathing them and taking care of all their needs.

The 10 days eventually passed and the king ordered again that the servant be thrown to the dogs as punishment. When the servant was thrown in everyone was surprised to see that these big wild hungry dogs only licked the feet of the servant.

The king baffled at what he was seeing asked “what happened to my animals?”

The servant replied “I only served these animals for 10 days and they didn’t forget my service whereas I have served you for over 10 years and you forgot my service at my first mistake”

The king then felt ashamed of his actions and realized that he didn’t do right by the servant. He then ordered that the servant be set free.

This story is to portray a message. We shouldn’t forget the good a person has done to us for the longest time when they make one stupid mistake. I know it is easy to see the wrong things a person does but let’s not allow that to cancel out all the good they have being doing in the past.

Thank you for reading.✍️❤️

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2 years ago
Topics: My article, Story, People, Life, Kindness, ...


Very inspiring story with a very good message! Actually it’s human nature to forget all the good things about a person after seeing one bad thing. If we keep doing this we will eventually end up alone with no one on our side. We should learn to bear the negative acts of people because along with that one or two negative things, they have positive side as well

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah you are right the sooner we start to do these things the better for everyone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is inspiring and one needs to learn from this. The problem of many of us is that we tend to forget what people have done good because they made a little mistake. The world will forget you with one mistake compared to the many good you have done in your lifetime.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah and the world does that every single time .. it’s like all the good one has done is swept under the rug

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This the world we live in. I think that's how the world was designed. And the funny thing is that everyone of us are victim of this this trait🤔🤔

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes we all do it .. consciously or sub-consciously

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humans are very good at this. We are quick to forget all the good a person has done at his first wrong or mistake.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah maybe it is just how we are programmed I don’t understand it for real

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A lot of people so this and I have been on the receiving end so many times. You will be treating someone very well for so many years but the day you make a single mistake, they will forget all you have done for them and be ready to spill blood. Humans take notice of the bad things you do than the good, it's a nasty behavior

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah and I really don’t know why we think like that honestly it is just so sad .. it’s like we do not considering how good this same person have being in the past.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's scientifically speculated, perhaps proved? I dunno, that the human brain respond more to negative emotions and thoughts than it does positive. That kinda explains it. The bad will always be noticed but we shouldn't shut our eyes to the good either. Nice story btw

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you my fiend and wow I would try to read up on this response of the human Brain to negative and positive emotions

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This was enlightening. Another thing I drew out from the story is that "dogs have feelings too and they don't forget a kind gesture or an heart of love, unlike we; humans.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah they are loyal and that is why they are man’s best friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂😂😂 What a ridiculously funny story, yet it's real..... This sort of thing happens all the time, even in friendship and relationship.... Quick question... “if you've been with a girl for more than 20 years and she cheats on you just once, I presume you are saying you can forgive her?" ...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well yes I can forgive her .. I mean to forgive is divine after all I just can’t be with her no longer because I can’t trust her anymore

$ 0.00
2 years ago