The Music in me!

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2 years ago
Topics: Love, Music, Passion, Dreams, Video, ...

Music has been in my life since I can remember, I couldn't say exactly when I started listening to music, my mother says that since I was in her womb, because she always stimulated me with music.

The most alive memories I have about when I started singing was when I was in school, at the age of 9 approximately, my mother used to hold meetings on weekends to share with the family and sometimes with her co-workers.

I remember that in our sound equipment we had connected a microphone

and she sang, in her adolescence and youth she used to sing in musical groups, but she did not dedicate herself to music as such.

I was learning the songs that she listened to and I sang them just like she did with the instrumentals tracks, at that time there was no karaoke or any other musical guide other than my ear, that's how I began to develop my musical ear.

In one of the work meetings that my mother made, I took the microphone and started to sing, her classmates applauded and told me that I was doing well.

That motivated me to practice and practice until one day for a Labor Day celebration at a club, I sang my first karaoke. So little by little I was taking much more interest, and I joined the high school choir, there I did my first audition for soloist, and I was selected along with two other boys; At that time we went to sing at several high schools, churches, invitations to local radio stations, the Mayor's Office of my City, among others.

Little by little, with the experience that the cultural coordinator of the high school was taking, she suggested that I participate in a Singing Festival to represent the Voz LiceΓ­sta, an event where all the high schools in the city compete.

I was encouraged, I participated twice, on both occasions I got second place, in the first I had to improve my performance, since I stayed in the same place, I did not interact with the public, and the second time I had already improved a lot, but , it was a cultural event and the song I sang was not in accordance with the contest, it was not the one I had chosen to sing, but the musician at that time for the rehearsals was a beginner and was not familiar with many songs.

However, I really enjoyed these two experiences, especially the second because I connected a lot with the public, my performance that time was much better than the first, people sang with me and I really enjoyed that, I really felt very satisfied despite winning or to lose.

My third experience was at a Christian Music Festival, and there were really good singers with a lot of technique, about 80 people from different churches participated and this time I came in 4th place after breaking the tie. It was a very good experience for me, being in the top 5 positions and not having musical studies.

In my last festival also of the Church, although this was more private, that is, only members who belonged only to it, I was in 3rd place. Being in the top of the top 3 was also very rewarding for me, I was 20 years old at the time, and there I thought that if I was good without having studies, I think I would go far if I woud decided to take them, and so I did.

In 2014 I enrolled in a music institute, it was 7 hours from my city, they were only intensive classes on Saturdays, I had to take a bus every Friday night, attend classes on Saturdays and at the end take a bus back home again, it was a bit of work every weekend for the whole semester but, it was well worth it. Unfortunately, I was unable to continue my studies, due to costs, both academically and for transportation and food. I have never liked to leave anything that I start halfway, however I was forced to do it, since I did not have the necessary resources to finish it. I had to finish my teaching career as well and since the university was located in the same city where I lived, it was more feasible to finish my university career first.

As I have already said, on different occasions, music and cooking are my two passions, sometimes I think that the latter, more than the first, perhaps because it is the one I practice every day and is the one from which I have obtained the greatest benefit, since I have made sales of some of the dishes that I prepare, but, as for music, it is the area of ​​my life in which I have invested financially, since I have never enrolled in a gastronomic institute or taken a course or something similar, but, with music I tried, and I even supported some friends as a backup singer in the recordings of their own songs and the truth is I hope at some point in my life I will have the opportunity to continue my musical studies and why not? maybe perfect the talent in the kitchen too!

I enclose some videos, several of them I have recorded in this time of involuntary "vacation" (as I call them) at home. You may not understand the lyrics since they are in my mother tongue, but I still want to share them with you. A big hug and God bless you!πŸ«‚πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€—πŸ€—

Thanks to my sponsors whose names are on the sponsor panel! you can read, follow and know his blog. Blessings for all! @Unity 😊

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$ 0.05 from @Unity
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Avatar for Jossy2992
2 years ago
Topics: Love, Music, Passion, Dreams, Video, ...


You really have the gift and passion. Keep going and shine even more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for your comment, I really hope I can polish that talent! πŸ€—πŸ€—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

music is really your passion.Continue on sharing your passion and showing your talents to the world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really is it! Thank you very much friend, blessings!πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ»

$ 0.00
2 years ago