What is success means to me?
Other people says being successful is being rich, having a car, a luxurious house and so many digit in your salary.
But for me, success means being able to drink coffee in a beautiful day. Being able to enjoy the beauty of life. Me, drinking a coffee is what symbol of success is. For me, it means stability, contentment and happy with what you have in your life. You are rich but you are not happy? That's not success.
I want to be successful and being contented is one of the key for me to consider myself as a successful person.
This is my entry @Eirolfeam2
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This is the most simple yet meaningful article I have read about the definition of success. Thank you for joining my event. Indeed, being contented with the things that we have is what makes us truly successful. It is worthless to have all the material things this world can give us if we are never satisfied of it. However, be contented with what you have, while hoping for something better. :)