Sensory Values. Considered to be on
lowest level of appreciation, it refers to those
appreciation brings pleasure to the human senses. Included
here the valuing of things corresponds to the main
human needs such as food, water, clothing, shelter and other
technical values. These values are also included
those things that can only be considered a person's luxury or luxury,
such as expensive jewelry, fancy cars or expensive bags
and shoes that some people crave.
2. Vital Values. These are values
related to well-being. For example,
it is important for a person to be able to rest if he is tired because it is
can improve his mood. To eat nutritious food
food to make sure he is healthy and will not get sick. Important
to us with someone to talk to who is important to us to reduce
our grief. All of the above are things that
man values to ensure his order and
Good condition.
3. Spiritual Values. It can be considered more
its value is higher than the first two mentioned. Ang
This appreciation refers to the values for
goodness, not of oneself but of the greater. There are three types
this appreciation according to the book Problems of a Sociology of Knowledge
written by Max Scheler:
a. Aesthetic values
b. Value of justice
c. Appreciation for fully recognizing the truth
4. Holy Values. This is the highest of all
level of values. It refers to values
it is necessary for man to attain his event to be ready
to face God. The action towards holiness is the fulfillment of
event not only of the material nature of man but also of
his spiritual nature.
According to Scheler, moral behavior occurs when a person is
choosing an appreciation in exchange for other values. Ang
judgment of the good or bad of human behavior depends on choice
of appreciation. In activities can be considered by one's own conscience as
well, it seems that high esteem is preferred over low
appreciation or positive appreciation rather than negative appreciation. Sa
on the other hand, a task can be considered bad if it is chosen to do
the lower than the high esteem or negative esteem
rather than positive appreciation. Smoking can be used as an example
especially to a young person like you. It can bring pleasure to
feeling and receiving from other young people.
But can satisfaction be considered a higher value
feeling and accepting rather than valuing one's own body
considered the temple of God? Cheating on test cheating
because negative appreciation is chosen over positive appreciation
honesty. On the other hand, there are people who tax their own lives because of
serving his fellow man in need. An example of this is the person
saved the life of someone like young Rhona Mahilum who was
seven-year-old rescued siblings in their burning house. Even
put himself in danger his work still remains good
because helping others is more important than self.
The dominance of doing good, which means choosing
higher values, against evil, elevate the
human personality. According to Manuel Dy, being objective should not be forgotten
of appreciation. A person may not succeed in responding to
an appreciation; but it will not change the appreciation especially those
at a higher level. But in such cases, the
appreciation but the person who did not respond to it. Just like
example of the importance of health. No one will even appreciate it
young people continue to smoke, he can not destroy the importance of
health but his life he destroys because of his
In developing human personality and in achieving higher ones
appreciation, it is important to make it clear to you that it depends on having
sufficient knowledge and willingness to choose correctly and morally based
principle. You, are you ready?
Fantastic article by you my friend