I saw creepy face

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2 years ago

I want to share with you my creepy experience. I don't know if I'm getting hallucinations before but I can still remember vividly that I saw a creepy face in our room. That time way back 2009 we haven't installed electricity in our abode coz it's too expensive and the wages of my parents wasn't enough. Our way of living before is simple. Like, we eat three times a day, I have no friends before coz we are the first immigrants in that place.

Trees are lofty and has alot creeping roots. It has alot of moss. It's the province of Leyte. Neighborhoods are afar from us more or less the distance was half kilometer. That time rivers are so clear that fishes are everywhere. Mud fish and cat fish are typical species found in the river since it was fresh water.

Going back to the topic. My father start to build a our house. It made of bamboo and wood. Well, theres various trees found near to that place. So, he just cut off some of those. After he build the house, to simply illustrate it has a roof made of Nipa leaves, it has two doors ( for private room and outdoor). One thing that makes my mother worry is that our kitchen area wasn't enclosed. I mean you have to have to walk few steps to go there. It really happen when we take our dinner, it feels uncomfortable coz we take our dinner like in outdoor.

It has alot of bugs that make sounds at night. I don't know what's the nomenclature of that but it will just make creepy sounds. I sleep around 7:00 pm. That's time you can't hear Videoke activities cause we're aloof from neighbors. All we hear is just serene and bugs making creepy sounds. Our life before simply revolves around the area. We can't even take a snap to others coz we are strange that time.

It happen when my mother was in the market and it was around 6:00 pm. Peripheral vision is getting dark. Well, I could slight seen things coz we have torches. It happen when I enter our room coz I want to get the rice, I bring my torch coz its already dark. While taking the cup my mind keeps on telling that there's someone looking at me. I don't know where exactly it was but my instinct told me that the one whose watching me is at the window. I slightly take a glance to the window and I saw those creepy face. I nod my face and immediately get out of the room. I run fast as I can until my mother saw.

I told her what happened but she doesn't believe. It was just my imagination, she just said. She told me where I saw it and we came together to our room and found nothing. Well, to tell I can still remember those creepy face. Infact I can illustrate that creepy face.

I can't determine the gender but I'm pretty sure he/she is bald. The eyes are getting rid. The face has full of scars and blood. It's so creepy. My mother before keeps on telling me that it was just a myth. It's not realistic. But I don't think coz I seen with my two naked eyes. Maybe, I'm just in hallucinations that time. To tell, I didn't sleep that time. Although, I try to removed that in my mind but still I can vividly remember. Maybe, it has stored in my long term memory. That was so horrible. This is all about to share thanks for reading.

Final thoughts

Those experience seems to have a traumatic experience. It's part of our life that we experience unexplainable phenomena. It's so tough when we encounter such traumatic experience. Since, that I've been in creepy experience Ive always this in my mind that it may happen again. Well, in my age right now I can't be afraid immediately. Infact I've been always alone here in our house coz my parents now are working. So, I just spend my time here in this platform to avoid unnecessary things to remember.

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2 years ago


I feel afraid to listen that type of story. I got brave just few years.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, since it was my first encounter I was being perplexed that time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's so creepy my friend Jopix. If I were the one who saw that creepy something, I don't know what to feel. Maybe every sound I hear or shadow I see will creep the h*ll out of me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I experience that time I feel like my soul separate for a second. It's because of great nervous. Hehe, yeah it was really freezed me that time. I couldn't imagine how creepy is that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Things happen that we have no idea what they are. I have experienced a couple of unpleasant things myself and still trying to push them to the back of my head.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yups, I don't know what I've seen but it looks like a creepy face. Yes you're right we have no hint for who they are.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Friend sobrang nakakatakot naman yun. 🥺 Kung ako din siguro ma speechless ako. Di ko alam makakatakbo pa ba ako sa kaba. Nerbyosa pa naman ako friend. 🥺 Ayaw ko talaga makakita ng ganyan. Wag naman sana. Buti hindi na naulit friend. Wala din ba kayong kapitbahay sa lugar niyo noon friend?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh, nakakatakot Yun friend Lalo na ako lang mag Isa. Tapos Wala pang electricity noon. Torcht lang gamit Namin non. Mayroon kaso sobrang layu friend almost halt kilometer siguro friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe friend nakakatakot yung sobra. 🥺 Basta ganyang lugar talaga nuh tas ikaw lang mag isa. May mga ganyan talaga friend. Yan nakakatakot friend pag malayo ang kapitbahay friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw sometimes unseen things by others too. It was like in the corner of your eyes but when you look at it directly there is none. And the moment that you saw as quick as a second then gone. But the creepy face, I never encounter yet lol.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, maybe I only have to see those creepy face coz it's behind the window. It's so horrible experience.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

katakot naman haha, hindi ako.makakatulog sa gabi kapag ganun..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The same as you Hindi rin ako nakatulog nong gabing yun

$ 0.00
2 years ago

minsan ako rin nag hallucinate lalo na kapag galing manood ng horror movie haha..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, pero I think I'm not hallucinating since we don't have Gadgets before .hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hala katakot, baka totoo na talaga yun haha..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was a really creepy hayst i hate seeing things like this it would kill me, i hope you kitchen will be close asap

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, I think I'm getting nervous before cause it was so creepy. Imagine being alone in a room without electricity and enough light. Then your instinct telling that there's someone watching you over the window. It's so creepy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah i could really imagine that

$ 0.00
2 years ago