Housewarming Gifts

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1 year ago
Topics: Home

After our first, very brief, visit to this house in August, I began to get excited about the gardening opportunities such a wet region presented to me. I began planning flower and vegetable gardens. Some in containers and some right in the ground.

The night we arrived was a dark and rainy night. I didn't properly get a good look at the house. Keith and I were focused on getting the mattresses into the bedroom so we would have a place to sleep. I obviously didn't get a good look around the property.

The next day, however, the looking commenced.

We have flower beds running along three sides of the house and along the edges of the backyard. In addition, we have three trees with space around them for flowers and a semi-heart-shaped bed in the middle of the front yard. Off the back patio is a small bed that I think would be great for vegetables.

The yard and all the beds were completely overgrown. Grass and weeds up to my knees. I did find, in the corner of the patio, a tiny tomato plant. Two green tomatoes were waiting for us. What a great housewarming gift!

I don't know how many of you remember my green tomato ripening trick. It is so easy. Pick the green tomatoes and wash them. Let them dry thoroughly and wrap them tightly in newspaper. Store them in a cool, dry, dark place such as a cardboard box with a lid.

I picked the green tomatoes. I wrapped them in newspaper but didn't have a box with a lid available. So, I just stored them in what I think the previous owners were using as a clothing closet. I have converted it into a food pantry.

After three weeks those two little green tomatoes were nice and ripe.

I really recommend this wrapping technique for late-season tomatoes or if you are overwhelmed by tomato worms. Either way, the newspaper ripens the green tomatoes into juicy tasty tomatoes.

I sliced up some cucumbers and added the tomatoes to the top. No dressing is needed. Salt and a little pepper are all it takes to make this salad taste great!

I'm so happy that even nature seems to be welcoming us to the neighborhood.

I am also excited to see what I will be able to grow here. I don't think a vegetable garden will be as necessary here as it was in Texas. Living there in the middle of a food desert meant if I wanted to eat it I had to grow it. Here in New York, there are so many good grocery stores around with an excellent selection of organic food. I won't have to grow anything out of necessity. I can just grow stuff for the pleasure of growing it.

Keith wants to try to plant a grapevine. I imagine it would do better than any of the vines we planted in Texas. The only grapevine that did well there was Grandma's wild grapes. That vine had been there since Grandma and Grandpa first moved to Clarendon.

I'm told grapes do extremely well here. It is considered to be wine country. I haven't yet been to a winery, but I look forward to going to several. I have been to one of the local breweries. There are so many breweries in Rochester. Keith is probably more excited about the beer than I am.

Regardless of where (and what) we drink, I am thrilled with our new home. I am pleased with the variety of activities we can do as well as with all the things I'll be able to grow. I mean! Look at those tomatoes!

Well, y'all, I had better get on with my chores for the day.

I'm out the door, dinosaur!

All images original photos by Jonica Bradley

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Avatar for JonicaBradley
1 year ago
Topics: Home


Hi... Jonica Bradley. Haven't been here since forever. I came across the link to your medium guide on Pantera's post. The Guide was really helpful. Thanks for that.

I got three questions. I hope you'd be available to answer soon.

1. How do I submit a story to a publication, and how long does it take for it to be approved?

2. Do I need to write an introduction post on Medium, and if Yes, what publication do I submit to?

3. How do I find your publication perhaps I could fit into one of them.

Side note: I followed you on Medium. Same username as here (KristofferQuincy) Looking toward 100 followers so I can apply for the Medium Partner Program.

I intend to begin quality engagement and create content as well. I should be paying the $5 membership fee tomorrow or the day after.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Howdy! Kristoffer. Wow. Thanks for the follows. I'm glad you found the guide helpful.

  1. Each publication has its own process and approval turnaround time. When you find a pub you think is a good match, go to their home page. You can usually find out how to become a writer and how to submit under their submission guidelines.
  2. I've seen quite a few introductory posts. I suggest simply publishing it under your own name.
  3. My publications are High Xpectations and The Bad Influence. Pretty much I am the only one who writes for High Xpectations. But if you go to The Bad Influence, look under the Being Bad tab to find the submission guidelines.

While publications are great, longer-term Medium writers are finding that it really doesn't matter as much as it used to. If you want to try to get into one of the Medium-owned pubs, you might consider reading a bunch of their stories so you can find their style and subject matter.

Here's hoping you get to 100 soon!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hi, @Jonicabradley, thanks for the information.

I'd like you to know that I hit 100 followers and I'm now a medium partner. I'd go check out the guideline for the Bad Influence Publication and will apply to be a writer immediately.

My Medium URL is

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks. Let me know if you have any trouble with TBI.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a welcome πŸ€—! Tomatoes would grow well if you plant them around, you are welcome to a fertile land and new home

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm hoping to grow a lot next year!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Love this... Just got new ideas on how to ripening tomatoes.. All thanks to you... I'm going to try this at home...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm pretty sure it works with peaches, too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow, I didn't know such technique works. We usually just buy ripe tomatoes and green ones occasionally. And I really love the green ones when mixed in a sauce for a grilled fish or ripe ones to be put inside the Bangus' stomach before grilling. Anyways, hoping for a happier and a prosperous home.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

What is a Bangus?? And do you have a recipe?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Milkfish hehe, the national fish of my country Philippines. It's just like the usual grilled fish but you'll put spices in its stomach such as tomatoes and onions and put some seasonings as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nature provides you healthy foods. Loves to eat tomatoes with matching sauce.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Tomatoes are so healthy, too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice, having a own garden is very good idea because you can save money from buying it and also it is more fresh than the vegetables that we buy in market..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes. I love to have fresh veggies picked the same day I cook them!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahahaha nature must welcome you because you are a real lover of nature too. Didn't know newspaper can rippen it and it's something I would love to try. Glad to see you are settling in well, mama.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh, yes. Newspaper and a dark place. I really love the colder weather!!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You love the colder weather? Ah. Mama, cold is dealing with me here in Derby. I've always loved cold weather back in Nigeria but I've seen cold that is more than my desire πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Where is Derby? There are so many, including here in the States. And why are you there?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Derby in the UK... Derbyshire... The end plan is relocation mama ... but we came here via schooling... She schools... I work...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Got new trick ideas from you. Hope you'll enjoy your new home there!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

So far I'm enjoying it very much.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh, I love that trick of yours! I left mine still on the plants for now and they still get more colours every day, but will pick them all up next week, as it’s getting cold

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I worry that the birds or squirrels will get them. I have been told to bring the garden hose inside already, so I think it must be getting pretty cold at night. I still have 3 little green tomatoes on the little plant.

$ 0.00
1 year ago