What's stopping you from entering the world of cryptocurrencies fully?

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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago

It's time to decide

People react with extreme suspicion to the new thing that threatens their comfort zone. More, when these cost them a lot of sacrifices, and they believe that it should defend will always be.

First of all, nothing in this world you operate in is forever, including you. What's more, the only thing that is yours runs out as time goes by. Of course, some are trying to stop death (the outcome of the aging disease). Who knows! Maybe, they will succeed! But in the meantime, your life is governed by the reality that someday it will end.

Well, there will be those who will say that this is an apparent truth since everything in the universe so far known is change.

So let's stop philosophizing for a moment, and let's get into what animates the title of this article.

You will agree that the war between Russia and Ukraine is a catalyst for changes that will upset the order as we know it.

After a little more than a month, this twenty-first-century European war, besides bringing pain and disruption in the routine of millions of people, both in Europe and indirectly in the world, will be a relevant milestone for humanity.

Yes, a war that devastates Ukrainian cities driving forced migrations and a financial war involving the international community where geostrategic forces are at work. The globalization model is faltering to give way to a bloc model and a new monetary reference standard for commercial exchange.

The problem is that the new monetary standard they want to impose is a variant of the one that preceded the current and moribund system based on Fiat money.

Fortunately, science and technological convergence allowed the cyberpunk movement to create Bitcoin by the hand of the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto.

So you now have an option to achieve the financial freedom I suppose you desire. Unless you are happy with the mafia scheme of government money and its partners, the bankers.

Obviously, the road to freedom will not be free of obstacles and pitfalls.

Let me pose a hypothesis based on the dominant events of the scene so far this decade: The pandemic and the return of the specter of thermonuclear hecatomb capable of wiping out life on the planet.

Tell me, what effects do they have in common?

Perhaps it is still too early to determine precisely the effects of these since they are in full swing and look like a game of chess, with the difference that the mere observers suffer the direct consequences of each move.

Well, let's do some mental gymnastics.

How to deny the destruction of jobs in the small commercial sector and the medium industry! So many people are impoverished, while big corporations make more money than ever.

While on the other hand, automation increases hand in hand with artificial intelligence in the framework of the promoted fourth industrial revolution.

The alienating idea of progress and the consolidation of a universal basic income under (UBI) the umbrella of the common good and inclusive capitalism; begins to gain strength in the discourse of the elites to convince the masses.

Moreover, the financial model of infinite debt is coming to an end. And in this regard, some governments, such as Russia, are trying to impose a return to the gold standard.

In this sense, the Russian government is playing the game to counter the sanctions of Western powers. By using, on the one hand, cryptocurrencies in trade exchanges with non-belligerent countries, and on the other hand, demanding payment for its products in rubles backed at parity with gold (5000 rubles an ounce) from unfriendly countries.

If they succeed, the hegemony of the dollar will be over.

It does not take a genius to see the impending danger.

It is not a matter of Manichaeism.

There are no good or bad sides to the events we are going through.

In my opinion, and you don't have to agree with me. The only means to weather what is coming in for you is to educate yourself on everything concerning cryptos and the whole blockchain environment.

I sometimes question myself when I write about this. I wonder, am I just alienated by all of this?

And I even find it hard to understand! How is it possible that people do not see the obvious and do not cling to the last plank of salvation we have?

Some say that the greatest motivation is not desired but fear.

So, one should be more afraid of what is coming than the ambition to be rich in the crypto world.

So meditate on these connoted hypotheses that I leave you here. Don't fall asleep. Time is running out.

Choose wisely the cryptocurrencies that suit you. Of course, Bitcoin Cash is one of them.

Please! Try to counter at all costs the digital money of the central banks (CBDCs). Even if they tell you that they are backed by gold.

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnai by  Kanchanara on Unsplash

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago


I only know BCH so that's where I'm sticking with for now :D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The fear of losing investment and too much negativity through the little knowledge of the crypto world. So many scammers around the world, How to avoid them from being scam? well just DYOR always

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hola, my friend.

The fear of the unknown is understandable, especially when it comes to money.

Fear stops you or pushes you. Remember that fear is a self-preservation mechanism, but in the end, you have to say what action suits you.

As you rightly say, crypto education will help you avoid rogue traps. They are from all walks of life. Sometimes you get conned yourself.

I think time is running out to enter the crypto world in search of safeguard.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some reason is really lack of knowledge about cryptocurrency. Yes, they might know what crypto is and invested for quite some but due to lack of information and most especially if the crypto is down, they fear that they will lose their entire money and ended up stopping investing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some reason is really lack of knowledge about cryptocurrency. Yes, they might know what crypto is and invested for quite some but due to lack of information and most especially if the crypto is down, they fear that they will lose their entire money and ended up stopping investing

Totally I agree with you.

So the first action is to educate yourself as much as possible about it. But, don't take so long. Time is running out.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our fear and cowered atmosphere around is biggest hurdle to adopt crypto fully then no back up & facilitation by our government. Oppositely our financial institutions imposing restrictions to those who involves in Crypto. Still we are doing our best to survive!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our fear and cowered atmosphere around is biggest hurdle to adopt crypto fully then no back up & facilitation by our government. Oppositely our financial institutions imposing restrictions to those who involves in Crypto. Still we are doing our best to survive!

You are right. As I referenced in the article, the road to real cryptos is full of pitfalls and traps.

In the end, the system wants us there; where one is at its mercy.

Consequently, the fear of the greater evil must force us to act with cunning and prudence.


$ 0.00
2 years ago