What would a world without money be like? The most extreme utopia

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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago

Power, money, and violence

My parents once told me how, as a child, I used to take the tip they left on the small plates after receiving excellent service in restaurants.

To be honest, I don't remember it exactly.

Perhaps, these are events that embarrassment erased from my memory.

In any case, the fact in self; is to denote that one has contact with money from a very early age.

Of course, now the trend is different; since we are entering the phase of eliminating coins (metallic) and (paper) banknotes by digitizing them.

Sure, your grandchildren will only see this type of money in the future Metaverse as a curiosity of the past.

Instead, they will deal with some of today's cryptocurrencies, where Bitcoin Cash will most likely play a leading role.

But if technology will lead us in the future to an era of abundance and efficiency, would cryptocurrencies have a reason to exist?

If you are familiar with the original Star Trek saga or the big screen installments, you will remember the use of devices that instantly replicate objects, including food and drink.

In the late eighties, I was amazed to hold in my hands a cell phone very similar to the one used by Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock.

Tomorrow, it is a reality.

Even Motorola produced a cell phone model almost identical to the one in the series in the sixties.

Today, we see 3D printers manufacturing parts that resemble the replicator of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701).

So it is not so far-fetched to think that in the future, the use of money will disappear if humanity resolves its differences and achieves an economy of abundance, abolishing excessive consumption based on limitless debt.

However, although this is a desirable utopia based on the confidence of techno-scientific progress, we must move forward with reservation.

In this idyllic vision, I see much resemblance to the Marxist communist illusion of failed and disastrous regimes for those who allowed themselves to be dazzled by such proposals.

Imagine having a free Star Trek kind of replicator at home.

Who will need money to buy things or food?

Sounds fantastic!

But first, we will have to get rid of the effects of the power game.

Well, you will agree with me that money is intimately linked to power.

There is nothing wrong with power in itself.

The problem lies in the fact that money is an instrument of domination of the few over the many.

History records episodes where those who monopolize violence impose taxes on those who only want to live in peace and security.

So power uses the money to collect taxes and backs it up with violence.

You will agree with me; whoever has the power will not want to give it up so easily.

Well, as far as I know, no advanced society has ever dispensed with money; Obviously, money is an artificial object with no inherent value (in itself) derived from accounting, i.e., a construct of the human mind.

So, for the time being, sticking to the cryptocurrency revolution is the most desirable, convenient, and close to the utopian world of Star Trek.

Source: Image by Adam Evertsson on Pixabay 

Closing thoughts

You will be convinced, as I am, that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash are the necessary means to abolish a monetary system based on limitless and perverse debt.

A system that sustains capitalist merchants and usurpers the benefits of techno-scientific development and the exploitation of hydrocarbons as a source of cheap energy.

Perhaps it is too early to appreciate the potential of cryptocurrencies, crypto assets, and blockchain infrastructure. A technology that is shaping itself around money to the point of transcending it, giving an unsuspected utility.

It is hard for me to imagine a society free of money as free of violence to sustain it. But it is a desirable utopia as long as it respects and fosters freedom to reach the potentialities of the human soul.

Dreaming is the first stage for the journey we need to undertake.

Those of us in the crypto world are embarking on the ship of the future.

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnail by Johnnys_pic on Pixabay 

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago


Money is something the moment you think you understood it correctly, it changes and becomes something difficult to handle. Money started wars, well ,mostly the resources that are the real wealth. Money also stopped some wars, but it is what brought the societies we have today in this advanced state. Yet, while money exist it is humans that still are immature enough to handle it properly. Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash will probably never achieve becoming money used by everyone inside one ecomony, especially the expensive to use BTC. Although, Bitcoin Cash can become accepted generally as money in parts of the world that suffer from financial and banking problems.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend.

You are right in your perspective on money.

With respect to cryptos, such as you point out. In the current state of affairs, it is not possible.

Although, who knows what the future holds for us as humanity.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes I blame also the first person who invented money. People shows their true color once they have enough money to boast for and even degrade people who have less or nothing in hand.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend

Nobody knows exactly who invented money?

Perhaps, he did not foresee the misuse that has been made of it.

Well, the important thing is what you can do with it for the good of your environment, and without harming others.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed true, it's up to us to make the better changes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed true, it's up to us to make the better changes

Totally agreed, my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am hoping for that day will come where we are not ruled by money, where everyone is equal. I hope I am still alive to see that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am hoping for that day will come where we are not ruled by money, where everyone is equal. I hope I am still alive to see that.

Hello, my friend

Me too. Maybe we are through cryptocurrencies in the process and on the way to that day.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money is something every one crave for and it also the Root of evil

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money is something every one crave for and it also the Root of evil

True my friend. But, in essence, it is not the root of all evil, for it is born in the hearts of men. In that sense, money is only another means to perpetrate it.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Creo que el único uso del poder que verdaderamente nos ayuda a nosotros como humanidad, es en cuanto a la organización. Los líderes deben tener el poder para organizar, simplemente eso. Pero es que aquí el poder está concentrándose para imponerse a los demás en cuanto a la voluntad y a las creencias; y es algo sumamente loco y atrasante para este mundo. Yo también soy idílico con esto; y me encantaría que el poder desapareciera para dejar paso a necesidades colectivas y que el dinero no sea parte de la manera de relacionarnos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hola, mi estimado amigo.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que la concentración del poder de la mano del capital ha sido nefasto en esta etapa de la humanidad.

No sé si mañana desaparezca la utilidad del dinero, pero sueño con una humanidad más solidaria y pendiente de sí y de su entorno.

El problema no es el dinero, ni siquiera los recursos limitados. El problema subyace en el corazón egoísta de hombre estimulado por una cultura de consumo.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money is a power and it is true that no one can give up this power easily, but I think that the crypto that will replace money is ready for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend.

I love your optimism about the potential for cryptocurrencies to balance the relationship with power.

In that sense, cryptos give some of the power back to the people. I just hope the elites don't thwart this noble goal.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

That sentence you said where money is the instrument which some of them use to show power is the real issue with money totally agree over this. Now with the digitization people prefer to pay online rather than in cash and slowly for a better safer option I think people will move to crypto for payments.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend.

Yes, every day there will be less and less physical money for the State, despite eliminating the big business of the monopoly of issuing it.

Obviously, cryptocurrencies force them to try to hijack Blockchain technology with CBDC, a digital version of that Fiat money, to maintain power.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought it was about abolishing the existence of money. Well, in the future, if crypto currency still dominated, we can expect that paper money will cease to exist.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello, my friend.

The disappearance of money is the dream of Marxist and communist thinkers with the solution of a scientific and centralized economy.

Ideally, it deserves respect. But in practice, it was a resounding failure by forgetting the variable of the human being, whom it should benefit.

Although it is true that human systems can be violated and exploited by rascals.

In the intergalactic utopia of Star Trek, it is a reality.

Maybe it's just predictive programming propaganda.

Who knows what the future holds?


$ 0.00
2 years ago